After My Mother’s Death Signs

After My Mother’s Death Signs Of Love From The Sky


After My Mother’s Death Signs : dear Sara, I shall let you know that following the “first heart”, sometime in the middle of March, Luigi found another little heart shaped pebble on the ground and he immediately brought it to me to place it close to the other one, to be honest, I would have liked to be the one finding it, this made me a little sad but then I thought that perhaps he was the one who was supposed to hold it.


Yesterday morning, on the other hand, while I was strolling down our little olive field, I was thinking of my mother and how much she loved this land … I looked on the ground and what did I see? A small and chunky pebble, all covered in mud, but definitely in the shape of a heart!!!!


I could not believe my eyes …. I took it, washed it, cleaned it with a brush, and here it was, a little heart made of rock that seemed encrusted with little crystals …. exceptional, my joy was immense. I attach the picture.




A few days later we received another letter from Marusca (I remind you that her first testimonial is at the address )


The new letter from Marusca says:


I am sending you a picture with two more hearts that have appeared, one behind the bib I use for my father who is disabled, and the other in a half cup of pudding that I was pouring for my father.







There was also a third one, a heart formed with the lime scale on the bathroom tap, it was perfect if transparent, and so I could not take a picture of it …


A warm goodbye


After My Mother’s Death Signs Of Love From The Sky was the testimonial of Marusca


After My Mother’s Death Signs Of Love From The Sky


After My Mother’s Death Signs The words of the Angels

