Angels Protection of Angels Experiences

Angels Protection of Angels Experiences Felt protect from our Angels The Wall Testimonials
Angels Protection of Angels Experiences : my friend Valeria had found a little flat for rent, it had a garden, the bathroom was brand new, in short, a nice little home; the only problem was that there seemed to be an extra wall that got in the way, it was just in front of the entrance and it blocked out much of light into the home.
In agreement with the owner, Valeria planned to take it down, and she asked for my help. We are people who are used to manage things by ourselves, and the fact that we had never taken down a wall before certainly was not an obstacle, it might have been the first time, perhaps the last, but we decided to try it.
So, on the day, between Valeria and me, starting from our height, we were able to take down a lot of it, but our ignorance on the matter prevented us from seeing the imminent danger.
All that was left of the wall was the part attached to the ceiling, about forty centimetres, across the whole length of the wall.
We were tired and covered with dust, so we decided to take some of the rubble outside before looking for a tool to that would allow us to reach higher and complete the work; and in doing this we kept walking under the newly formed passage, the remainder of the wall still above us, and then, just when we happened to be both safely away from the wall…. The entire thing came crashing down, with a blast and a crash that made us jump from terror.
We were petrified, it could have easily happened while she or I or we were walking right under it.
It seems that our Angels supported that wall until there was no danger for us.
This is how we felt: protected.
Thank you Angels and will forgive our naivety and inexperience.
Angels Protection of Angels Experiences Felt protect from our Angels The Wall Testimonials (the words of the Angels)
