Angels experiences Intervention of an Angel

Angels experiences The Intervention of an Angel My Angel saved my life Witnesses of Angels
Angels experiences Intervention of an Angel : sometimes, as I said to Yolanda, I am curious to know exactly how the Angels are able to steer a person to go to a certain place to carry out an important task; here, in the Yolanda’s witness, is another example in which, without a rational explanation, the right person is at the right moment, at right place.
Yolanda : The Intervention of Luce
I wanted to tell to you what happened to me yesterday morning.
I think that my Angel saved my life.
While I was still sleeping, my mother hung a knit top to dry very near the stove and then she left the house; what she did not notice was that the sleeve of the knit top was touching the glass of the stove.
In the meantime I continued to sleep soundly in my room.
At a certain point I heard my father’s voice and I asked myself what he was doing at home, since at that time of the day he was normally at work.
Dad had actually come home without a valid reason, he wanted to make himself a coffee (which he could have easily made at work since they have an equipped kitchen on site).
As soon as he entered the home he noticed that the sleeve of the knit top had caught fire, had he come home just a few moment later a fire might have spread while I was sleeping.
Then I think that Luce (my Angel) had sent my father to me.
Angels experiences The Intervention of an Angel My Angel saved my life Witnesses of Angels (the words of the Angels)
