Voice of an Angel A little voice Experience

Voice of an Angel A little voice Experience The meaning of my experience The voice of my Angel
Voice of an Angel A little voice Experience : the voice of an Angel meaning, my hands are trembling at finally understanding that I am not crazy, that what I experienced, and I still experience every day, does have a meaning, I entered your site by coincidence, I found it among the links of another website, it made me curios, and here I am.
I will tell you what happened to me a few weeks ago.
I was in the car with my boyfriend, we were driving on the section of highway from Biella to Cossato, when a little voice tells me ‘get off this road immediately!!’
I pass this on to Nicolò (my boyfriend) who, strangely, does not reply and takes the next exit at once.
Having taken the exit before the one we were supposed to, we found ourselves driving in the same area as a friend of ours, so we dropped in to visit her.
At a certain point, while I was on a sofa, with a drink in my hand, chatting pleasantly with her, I heard that little voice again ‘ok, now you can go’.
I tell this to Nicolò, who answers that in fact he was getting hungry!
We leave and we drive to get on the same highway again in the direction of Biella again, and we see on the other side of the road (that in which we were driving earlier) an immense line of cars, I later realise what had happened, a van had lost control and skidded, causing the death of three people, if I am not wrong.
I had a shudder, thank you.
A kiss, Eleanor
Voice of an Angel A little voice Experience The meaning of my experience The voice of my Angel
Voice of an Angel the voice of an Angel meaning
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en (the words of the Angels)
