Is there a God? Research of God

Is there a God? Research of God A manifestation of God Divine intervention from an Angel Witness

Is there a God? Research of God : curiosity (in all aspects of life), research (for God) and a healthy dose of recklessness (with both) were the cocktail that constantly accompanied my younger years and that sometimes created extreme situations; about twenty years ago I was in India for the first time in my life, looking for those fundamental answers that sooner or later everyone inevitably asks themselves: is there a God?

Who am I?

I went looking for a Teacher on the Himalaya mountains. And I found him! I found him in a picture frame of impossible natural beauty, right at the foot of the biggest mountain range in the world.

Reaching that place had not been easy. Several obstacles came up along the way, but in the end I was able to meet a conscious incarnation, a manifestation of God.

Of course the rituals were different, albeit approachable and understandable, and the joy and the Love that you could breathe when in the presence of that God-man were tangible and I can say that I had never until then tasted such divine nourishment. In short, I was in bliss! After spending a few days there I decided to head for the nearest town to make various purchases. In fact, that place only had a tiny store with limited supplies.

The nearest town was only twenty kilometers away, but the road there was treacherous. In fact you needed to follow along a major river – which cut through the thick jungle – crossing this river in several spots according to a path that was well known among the various guides who accompanied the visitors for a fee.

The outbound journey was pleasant and even fast paced, in the company of guides and other pilgrims.

Coming back, two days later, I took public transportation to a small break station (it was called a chai shop, a kind of coffee shop in the middle of the jungle) from where you then continued for the remaining ten kilometers of your journey, tortuous and dangerous, well known only by the local guides. It was early in the afternoon and I looked for someone to guide me for a fee who could take me to my destination. But there was no-one right at that moment, no guides, no visitors, just the station owner.

My desire to go back and enjoy the Teacher was so strong that I decided to continue on by myself, despite the attempts of the friendly local man to strongly discourage me from doing so; but I really wanted to go back to my base. On the other hand, I had full faith in my well-known ability to memorize roads when I drove in my car.

I now believe it was just pride that pushed me to go it alone.

I have to say that at the beginning I kept up a decent pace, despite the horrible heat and the heavy luggage that I was carrying and that was slowing me down. I did not see milestones or reference points and after a while I began to wonder if I was indeed on the correct path.

I must also clarify that the crossing of the river could only be done in those specific crossing points where the depth of the river was sufficiently low to allow for a good grip on your feet, enabling you to maintain a decent balance, despite the considerable intensity of the current.

The further I walked the more tired I felt, the reference points became more blurred and the sun light was less strong. Naturally I began to worry also because I had no alternative other than to proceed. To rest somewhere in that world of thick vegetation, unknown and full of potential dangers, was not an option. Ever so slowly the confidence that I had felt earlier in the day gradually turned into insecurity. It became veritable anguish at a point where, during one of the many river crossings, I felt my body sink, first of all to my hips but then all the way to my neck.

Fortunately I stopped when the water reached my mouth, as I was carrying my luggage above my head. The current was very strong, the body was stuck and the only effort I could make was that of remaining still, to stop the flow of water from taking my bags with my documents, my airline ticket and my money, and most importantly not to be dragged by the current that could have easily smashed me into one of the countless sharp rocks that resided in the river bed.

After a little bit of time, I was still holding that absurd position, now in complete darkness and running on fumes of energy. Just when I was ready to give up and let an unpleasant destiny take its course, I felt a firm and powerful hand literally pick me up and push me forward: in a second I was safely on the side of the river!!

I threw myself on the ground to regain my strength, without even trying to understand what had just happened. As soon as I felt better, I turned around and next to me there was a friendly local Indian man who urged me to move. I did not even have the time to thank him, he took my luggage and he accompanied me to my destination. As soon as we arrived, he smiled at me once again and he left, suddenly disappearing into the dark just as suddenly as he had appeared.

The following day, refreshed from a sound sleep, I asked myself what the odds could be that there would be a person right there and right then amid the whole of the vast jungle. I never had any doubt: to me, that was a divine intervention from an Angel, the Angel of the jungle!!!!





Is there a God? Research of God A manifestation of God Divine intervention from an Angel Witness (the words of the Angels)


