Guardian Angels experiences A caress
Guardian Angels experiences A caress in the night Love from Guardian Angels story
Guardian Angels experiences A caress : hi Sara Luce, I forgot to tell you about this experience, a caress from Guardian Angels; I was about six years old when my grandpa died; as not to leave my grandma alone, I used to go to sleep with her; I can’t remember how long it was since she died, maybe days, months or years, but after I heard something about me.
During the night, while I was sleeping, I felt a caress on my face, I woke up a bit frightened so I called my mother, she didn’t answer and neither my grandma did.
The following morning I told my mother and grandma about it, and they say it hadn’t been them.
Immediately I thought of my grandpa, that night he came to call on me to thank me for not having left my grandma on her own.
These days while reading the witnesses on the site I understand it could have been my Guardian Angel, anyway whoever it may have been, I’ll never forget that caress on my face and right now while I’m writing to you I’m happy and I feel like crying.
Guardian Angels experiences A caress in the night Love from Guardian Angels story are words from Katy
Guardian Angels experiences A caress in the night the words of the Angels