Help from the Sky Healed from symptoms

Help from the Sky Healed from symptoms A prayer to the Sky testimonies of help from the Sky

Help from the Sky Healed from symptoms : it all began some months after my friend’s hemorrhoids operation; I had always gone with her to every visit; I had seen her take a lot of drugs, and then when it had become necessary I had nursed her in hospital during her recovery for her operation.

My friend, a very brave and strong woman was suffering quite a lot, unfortunately, as it sometimes happens, after having undergone the operation, she went on crying desperately, the doctors gave her painkillers, but they didn’t seem to work and she kept on crying, she used to phone me late at night crying, and I couldn’t do anything to help her, then a few days after her operation her pain stopped and she healed fast.

This previous information to explain about my fear when I started to have bleeding, for my friend it all started very slowly and many years passed before she had to undergo the operation but for me everything happened fast.

I told her about it and she upheld that only at the end she felt those symptoms, and each day I went on being more and more afraid, I was so frightened that I didn’t even go to the doctor’s, being sure he would have hospitalized me immediately; and day after day I went on hoping it would pass, and every day was a delusion.

Then one day, by that time crying, after having ascertained bleeding for the umpteenth time, there in the bathroom I look up and asked “my dear Angel, I’m so afraid, please, please heal me”, there I was with all my humility and desperation with hundreds and hundreds of silent tears running down out of my eyes.

The following day there was another bleeding; the day after that, nothing, nothing, I didn’t know if to be happy about that or wait for a relapse, I felt a lot of very intense emotions; the following day joy took over, I was completely healed.

A year past that way, than it started again; after a few days I felt betrayed and abandoned by my Angel, I was already accusing Him of a temporary healing, us beings are very clever at being unfair towards other people even towards Angels; I stopped to wonder when I realized where these emotions were leading me, and I wondered if by chance I was taking advantage of some food in my diet or something; maybe before picking on Angels, I should have wondered if I could have provided this relapse myself. Yes, it was my fault for some reason; for two weeks I had a lot of chili; I didn’t eat it anymore and waited anxiously; a few days and everything went back to normal; I said sorry to my Angel feeling ashamed of myself for having doubted about the goodness of the gift he gave me.

I embrace you all


Help from the Sky Healed from symptoms A prayer to the Sky testimonies of help from the Sky

Help from the Sky Healed from symptoms the words of the Angels
