Answers from Angels My Angel a testimony

Answers from Angels My Angel a testimony that answered my question Angel supports me


Answers from Angels My Angel a testimony : dear sweet Sara, how are you, first of all I’m sending you a great hug with all my love; I’m sending you this mail to tell you about the latest of many, little, great, amazing undertaking of my Angel Luciano who with great patience turns to somersaults to please a stubborn persona like me!, my sweet Angel, oh how I love You!


Well, I don’t know if you remember, but several weeks ago I sent you a mail (to tell the truth I have sent you a lot, lately, mm excuse me if I’m a bit of a pest) asking you to ask Heaven if my father, who went to Heaven seven years ago, was proud of me, mostly regarding the various goals I have reached since then, first of all my Medicine University degree.


Then you had some problems with your Computer, it was so sweet of you to answer me as soon as you could, that as soon as you would have got things fixed, you would have helped me, then because of the many things you had to do, you weren’t able to, but it was only right, because, listen to what my Angel did to give me a reply this morning.


This morning I woke up, I switched on the PC, and, as I do every morning I checked my email; there were a couple of new mails, I clicked feeling sure on one of them, but by chance I clicked on the last mail you sent me, that I hadn’t cancelled, and that I’ll never do.


So spontaneously I said to my Angel “ok, Luciano, You’ve won, I’ll go and see Sara’s Site, it’s a long time since I have done!”, so I open your Site, and immediately I notice among the news Brian’s wonderful NDE testimony, with the web address from where it came from.


So I click onto this new Site, and I start to read the various testimonies.


The first and the second are fantastic, and they confirm wonderfully all what Our sweet Father and all Heaven communicate in your massages.


In the third one I have only found my answer, but I realized that I already knew it, only that my sweet and patient Luciano got me to see with my physical eyes too; here is the crucial part of the above mentioned testimony that answered my question.


“let’s take a look at my life from the beginning to the end, at certain points they slowed down and enlarged the pictures, while in other parts they pulled them away; they showed me my life in a way I wouldn’t have imagined before, all the things I tried very hard to get, the degrees I had achieved at Junior School, Secondary school, at University and during my career, they had no value on that stage; I could feel their sadness and sufferings, or joy while the revision of my life was passing by in front of us, they didn’t say if something was good or bad, but I could feel it and I could feel all those things which were the same for them, for example, they didn’t care about my excellent marks for my sports competitions at my Grammar School, they simply didn’t feel anything for them, like regarding other things of which I was proud of”.


The message was very clear to me (although I already knew it), it’s Love that makes Heaven proud of us, what’s the meaning of my degrees, including my phantom university degree before the eyes of my Father and Heaven?, they don’t mean anything if I don’t add Love to my profession, only Love counts, only Love.


So full of Love I thanked my Angel as I always do “thank you, Luciano, You’re great, You know I love you, don’t you??”


But that’s not all, still in this testimony the author speaking about his experience, tells us about a first part in which he is pulled away, and ill-treated by malevolent and selfish beings; at that point another question comes to my mind, and I ask my Angel again “Luciano, help me understand, if the devil doesn’t exist, and nor does Hell, who were these beings?, and where did they want to take him?”


I felt a consciousness say in my heart “God doesn’t bind to Hell, hell is God’s absence, and it’s humanity that, after death, go away from Him, because of being ashamed, for qualms, it can’t bear comparison with Love; in other words, there are Souls that can run away from God even after physical death, and so they bind themselves in a hell of their own, where, only for their sake, there’s no God.


Obviously this whispering in my heart wasn’t enough for me, so Luciano has been so extraordinary having made me get a reply in the fourth testimony, as you can read.


This is what the author accesses after having observed, during his NDE, a plain full of Souls cursing themselves, they were hitting, and violating one another with hate and wickedness.


“Maybe this was the explanation of the existence of that disgusting plain, perhaps during eras, or simply of seconds every being in that place has tied to find other people just as proud, and full of grudge, until together they have founded this society of damned Souls; maybe Jesus didn’t abandon them, but they themselves had gone away from the Light that was clearly visible in the dark; there were beings who were arguing for some religious or political matter, trying to kill those who didn’t agree with them and me, looking at them, I thought “we should wonder if our world is such a chaos, and if we have had so many tragic religious wars, we must be surprised if all this was breaking Christ’s heart, Christ who had come to teach us about peace and love.”


Again with a big smile I cried “Luciano, thank you, You’re extraordinary, You know I love You, don’t You ??”


Anyway, my Angel is really great, and being very patient, He always supports me, with thousands of coincidences.


I hope my testimony can help whoever reads it to believe in these fantastic heavenly Beings and in Their endless Love.


So I’m sending you again a hug, my sweet Sara, along with all the love my heart feels.


Answers from Angels My Angel a testimony that answered my question are phrases from Nilde


Answers from Angels My Angel a testimony that answered my question Angel supports me


Answers from Angels My Angel a testimony The words of the Angels
