Dove The vision of Dove after extreme unction

Dove The vision of a Dove after extreme unction a vision of a Soul testimonial of Spirit

Dove The vision of Dove after extreme unction : dear Sara, today I tel you about dove and the vision of dove after extreme unction, you know, I had to take my uncle who’s a priest of the Parish of Cavalle near Florence to an old dying lady to give her extreme unction.

He got off the car and starter off towards her country-house, I waited outside for him.

About 20 minutes later, at a certain point I saw a white dove go through the tiles of the roof as if it was incorporeal, that is, as a Spirit, and fly upwards flapping its about 1m wings, and then it disappeared as if it went into a door of another dimension.

Immediately my uncle came out of the old country-house and then I thought that that dove could have been the old lady’s Soul.

That event, that vision strengthened even more my faith.

Dove The vision of a Dove after extreme unction a vision of a Soul testimonial of Spirit are phrases from Andrea

Dove The vision of a Dove after extreme unction a vision of a Soul testimonial of Spirit

Dove The vision of a Dove after extreme unction the words of the Angels
