The Touch of an Angel A Fresh caress

The Touch of an Angel A Fresh caress on my Forehead testimonies of Angels

The Touch of an Angel A Fresh caress : hi Sara, yes, the Touch of an Angel, I sent a Fresh caress, Sara, three evenings ago I was ill; after having vomited for two hours, I was so exhausted and weak that I felt fear for the first time; fear of being impotent, I felt that the torture that kept me kneeling down in front of the w.c would have gone on for long; I had lost connection with the world and with who was around me, I leaned on my side on the floor with exhaustion, and I don’t know after how long I felt a caress on my forehead, a fresh caress, I wasn’t afraid; it was as if I knew my Angel was there with me, I’m sure about it; I only wanted to talk about it with somebody who can understand me and share my joy for this superb gift I have received, being able to feel His touch.

The Touch of an Angel A Fresh caress are phrases from Monica

The Touch of an Angel A Fresh caress on my Forehead testimonies of Angels the words of the Angels
