Contact with the Guardian Angel Joyfully
Contact with the Guardian Angel Joyfully and with all my Heart
Contact with the Guardian Angel Joyfully : good morning Sara, I wanted to thank you very much, because ended up on this site by chance, and curious to know how to contact my Guardian Angel I wanted to try; first of all I asked what His name was naturally with joy and with all my heart; like lightening the name Giovanni, John, came to my mind.
At that moment I thought it couldn’t be true, I was stunned and strangely joyful, but it was a light joy, it was pure joy.
I wanted to ask his name again, and after some time, while watching TV, on the News I saw a hospital incredibly called San Giovanni the evangelist.
That was the first visible sign of my loving Guardian Angel’s existence.
It’s since a few days that I have started speaking with Him, and I have checked other coincidences that reinforce his existence being true.
I have discovered a new, wonderful world, made of pure Love that I feel by means of my Guardian Angel.
I want to thank you really from the bottom of my heart.
Contact with the Guardian Angel Joyfully and with all my Heart are phrases of Guido
Contact with the Guardian Angel Joyfully The words of the Angels