Expressions of Love from Heaven Life beyond
Expressions of Love from Heaven Life and Love beyond Life on Earth witness
Expressions of Love from Heaven Life beyond : my dear Sara I tell you about of Love from Heaven, I tell you about life beyond life, our daughter brought a scented candle from her trip to Canada; it was coloured and striped, and in each stripe there was an object; she had never lit it; only some day before her accident, but seeing that it burnt the furniture it was on, I told her off, and she didn’t light it anymore.
After her death I felt her near me, I smelt flowers in her room, when I cried, I felt myself being caressed, I had a feeling she wanted to tell me something in fact one day I was lying on the settee, and I found myself in a strange dream, because I had a feeling that I wasn’t really sleeping, it had already happened after my brother’s death, but that time I only heard him calling me, this time I could see her, she was telling me not to cry, because she was well, she told me she wanted to give me a present.
She told me to get her candle and break it, and that inside I’d had found SOMETHING LITTLE FOR SOMETHING BIG. I didn’t understand what she meant, and I didn’t want to do it, but she insisted, she said goodbye and went away smiling, she was so beautiful, I woke up from that strange dream, I got the candle, I started crying and wondering what I was doing, but something made me go on, the candle was so hard that I had to use a hammer to break it.
I found myself crying again but this time for joy, because among the pieces of candle, I saw a little hard plastic heart, you should have seen how it shone, now I understand her sentence A LITTLE HEART FOR GREAT LOVE and she gave it to me, I went on seeing her smiling face and my heart was full of hope, I didn’t see her, but she was with me, she had given me a present of Love a present from Heaven that changed my life, I know it’s incredible, but I would have never found that little heart if she wouldn’t have come to me, THANK YOU ZAIRA, THANK YOU MY LOVE.
Expressions of Love from Heaven Life and Love beyond Life on Earth witness are phrases of Savina
Expressions of Love from Heaven Life and Love beyond Life on Earth witness
Expressions of Love from Heaven Life and Love beyond The words of the Angels