Jesus and Padre Pio Dreams and Coincidences

Jesus and Padre Pio Dreams and Coincidences Signs of Help Witness
Jesus and Padre Pio Dreams and Coincidences : dreaming of Padre Pio meaning, dear Sara Luce, you’re definitely right, you’re right when you say that prayers all always heard, and that coincidences do exist; excuse me if I’m taking some of your time, but I want to tell you about what happened some time ago; in September 2010 Cesare my ex chief, told us that probably our contracts weren’t going to be renewed, so I was desperately looking for another job.
More or less ten days later Cesare proposes me to go and work at one of his companies of which he only was a nominee, and so I’d have had a new chief.
I liked the idea, so I accepted.
The first week went on well.
On the following Monday morning I had a dream.
I was in front of a Church with two people I knew, at a certain point a monk comes towards us, when I woke up I realized it was Padre Pio, telling us to follow him; he took us to a trapdoor, asking us to go down the stairs, but on leaning, we only saw a dark and messy place.
My frightened friends refused to go down, but I plucked up courage, and I decided to do what the monk told me to.
The place was really scary. While I was going down those stairs, and my eyes were looking upwards, I saw a white garment in that horrible place, I just can’t explain the white, I looked upwards and guess who it was?, his face was wooden and He had blue eyes, but I knew it was Jesus.
I can’t remember exactly what He told me, but the sentence was like this more or less “you see, you can’t get anywhere without me”.
I burst out crying in my dream and when I woke up I didn’t have a good feeling.
Since that day up to Dec 3rd my life has been a living hell, I have received a heavy bullying, I didn’t eat nor sleep anymore, I was always anxious until I found the courage to rouse against this new chief of mine and as a consequence I was sacked with no a reason.
I was alone, without a job and it was nearly Christmas.
You see, I belong to a very humble family, so my concerns grew more and more, but inside of me I went on hearing a little, strange voice telling me that things would be settled very soon, and that I’d have received a lovely present for Christmas.
Guess what?, on Dec 20th 2010 I signed a new contract where I’m working now, and I’m great here.
Jesus gave me a very lovely present, don’t you think?
I’ve already told you that I say my prayers before going to bed, but while falling asleep I wished to see Jesus’ real face and not only dream about Him when he wants to predict a negative period.
Some time ago I ordered some prayer books and some postcards with The Archangel Saint Michael too and I have hung one at home commending myself to Him for the bad time Andrea, my boyfriend was having.
I went out on a Saturday morning and on a door I saw a drawing of a man’s face, I asked Andrea if he saw it too but he kidded me saying that I was still sleeping.
That evening we went out to a bar, and guess what??!!
I sat down and I realized that opposite me there was a wonderful picture of Jesus’ face and next to our table there was a picture of the Archangel Michael hanging on the wall.
Isn’t that wonderful?
A hug,
Jesus and Padre Pio Dreams and Coincidences Signs of Help Witness
Jesus and Padre Pio Dreams and Coincidences The words of the Angels
