Getting in contact with Angels Experience

Getting in contact with Angels Experience of a contact with a Guardian Angel
Getting in contact with Angels Experience : hello Sara, I’m Valeria, I wrote to you a few days ago, I wanted to tell you about another lovely thing that happened this night, now I getting in contact with my Angels; last night I was reading the long page on how to contact our Guardian Angel, you know, where you tell us to ask our Guardian Angel to let us notice His presence? your example was the one on the diary, I thought about it, and then I got an idea and I asked my Angel for a little star and I wrote it on a post-it; then I went on reading and you suggest to write our problem to get a suggestion on a piece of paper and then one day go out into a crowded place, so I wrote my problem about family problems and I wanted to go out to see what would happen; well, I finished reading the web page and there I saw the first sign, the little star!!!
You’ve got to know that until the day before I was on the phone speaking with my boyfriend, because I wanted to choose this Site as a Favourite, but I couldn’t find the icon, believe me I spent so much time looking for it, but I just didn’t find it, my boyfriend kept on saying “it’s got to be on the top on the left”, but I just couldn’t see it.
When I finished reading the page about how to get into contact with our Angel I automatically thought “right I’m going to add it to Favourites”, so I clicked on the icon of the little star and soothe Site was added, suddenly I looked at the little yellow star that up till then I just couldn’t find and that just then I saw clearly in front of me!!!
That’s not all of it, the best part to come yet, last night after having told my boyfriend everything in tears, and a great smile, and after having seen little stars in one of my mother’s exercise book that I got from a drawer, ignoring everything, I went to bed really happy, I woke up at 4 and 31 a.m. and I had dreamt of my Angel!!! what happiness!!!, I dreamt that I was in a house where I used to live many years ago and guess what was the address? via Angelo Custode (Guardian Angel road) the street I lived in when I was twelve!!!, in this house my family problem that I’m having, came up again and I saw the core of the problem which is in the relationship between my two sister-in-laws; later I was in a general hospital, I’m a biologist I’m a graduate student of in clinical biochemistry, and I was with Her, my Angel, who in my dream was a graduate student in pediatrics, just the other day I was saying to a friend of mine that I had read a book on the hereafter and what made me believe was the introduction of the book by the pediatric Melvin Morse and that I trust doctors very much because I consider them, a bit like biologists, science, and I was asking Her what to do and in a very lovingly way She told me that She noticed some assurance cheques paid very expensively and that it wasn’t worth spending €85.00 to go to Rome; my father’s health was worth a lot more", I understood only part of what She wanted to say, at that point I started to hear very soft music and She said that She had to go because She was going to collect the medicines, I was looking at Her, she was a very beautiful girl with blond hair tied up and blue eyes with very sweet features, I didn’t want to leave Her, it was as if I was saying goodbye to someone I loved and this person was leaving, I was really sad!, we cuddled one another and She went away while I heard this music in the background, I opened my eyes and woke up.
I’m really at the peak of mirth for what has happened to me, I hope it’s only the beginning and that I can see Her and feel Her presence so many times.
Thank you Sara
Getting in contact with Angels Experience of a contact with a Guardian Angel are phrases of Valeria
Getting in contact with Angels Experience of a contact with a Guardian Angel
Getting in contact with Angels Experience The words of the Angels
