Guardian Angel Coincidences Synchronicity

Guardian Angel Coincidences Synchronicity
Guardian Angel Coincidences Synchronicity : hello Sara, I came up to this site by strange coincidences, some angel episodes that happened to my sister, that first stunned me, and then fascinated, so I have come to look for something that could help me understand better these marvelous beings, and so I ended up here; the Site’s great and well done, mostly I’m glad to know that many people have got a Guardian Angel protecting them.
I have read that part about coincidences and I’d like to tell you about what happened to me.
I have often wondered if all of us have got a Guardian Angel, and seeing that I wanted to know if I had one I have got the idea from a witnessing I read too, I asked my Angel to send me a little violet heart to let me know he exists, after one day, the following day I was at work, I’m a babysitter, and I was stunned to see the little girl come up to me with a little violet heart shaped pendant, you know those things you hang on your mobile, and she gave it me!, I suddenly remembered what I asked my Angel for, and later while watching the cartoons with her a character of the cartons turned into a little violet heart!, what do you think about that? are they coincidences? could it be my Angel’s reply?
Then I asked Him to tell me his name, maybe I’m not very smart girl, but many times I noticed the name Robin, could it be my Angel’s?
I have been praying to my Angel, I have asked Him to not let me get terrible headaches that make me completely inactive especially at work, and it seems as if He’s helping me!!!, why are we humans always doubtful?
A big hug.
Guardian Angel Coincidences Synchronicity are phrases of Giuly
Guardian Angel Coincidences Synchronicity The words of the Angels
