Guardian Angel In A Dream Meeting

Guardian Angel In A Dream Meeting My Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel In A Dream Meeting : hello Sara, I’m Alessandro, I’m forty-two and I’m from Udine Italy; I don’t know how but some months ago I came to know about your Site, I always read it being moved by strong emotions, you know, those sort of things that happen and you can’t give an explanation, but I can’t help reading your site.
I’m not going to explain who I am or why I’m fond of your Site, God knows how many people tell you that every day .. I can only tell you something for sure: I’M A BELIEVER especially since I found out about YOU! That changed my life. I think of my Guardian Angel every day and every night. And I found Him at last!!!
Last night I had a particular dream, I’ll tell you about it briefly. I dreamt I was with someone I have never seen before, it was a lady called Wanda, blond with very azure eyes, physically small, very sweet, dressed in white. At a certain point of the dream I asked her where she came from, seeing that she had a foreign accent and she picked up a sort of brochure which described foreign places, she pointed to a name. “I come from here: GOD.”
I go on thinking about this name, this woman, this thing that is so overwhelming!!! And I want to believe!!!
Thank you
Guardian Angel In A Dream Meeting My Guardian Angel are words from Alessabdro
Guardian Angel In A Dream Meeting The words of the Angels
