Angels Coincidences Meaningful Synchronicity

Angels Coincidences Meaningful Synchronicity Witnessing of Angels
Angels Coincidences Meaningful Synchronicity : hello Sara, thank you for having replied, my story is really great, I’m getting goose pimples while I’m writing it, I’ll be glad if you publish it, so many people like me will be able to start to approach their Angel; approaching my Angel has made my life better regarding many things, really, but the most wonderful thing happened just on Saturday evening on 19/5/2012 I asked my Angel to help me find a very special man and to make me find him on my path, letting him come slowly into my life just to love, to be loved and to give me all the peacefulness, steadiness, love and faithfulness I have always desired for me and my children.
On Sunday evening around nine o’clock just out of pure curiosity I was taking a look on the Site “Meeting”, I read a man’s announcement that immediately attracted me and instinctively I sent him a massage saying that I was not a subscriber and if he wanted, he could phone me, sending my phone number. Believe me, after a few seconds the phone rang, it was the stranger on the instant messaging and I wondered how come a serious person like me had passed on my phone number so easily to a stranger on the instant messaging.
Well, the phone conversation began with the formal introductions and we started to talk like as if we had been friends for such a long time. We were on the phone for more than six hours and a half and both of us were wondering how come. He likes talking about Angels too and I admitted that a superior force made us meet, because he added hoping to find a serious woman like he would like to have.
Our phone calls and instant messagings started from that point, and now were are going out happily together and although we are three hundred kilometers away, we are present and near on the phone or PC, but every weekend we are together physically too.
I must thank the Angels and I confirm that I have found the man who I have been dreaming of since a long time and who I wanted in real life as my only adorable mate.
Thanks you my adorable Angel. I know you’ll never abandon me anymore and that you’ll go on taking care of me and of my beloved ones even when It’s not necessary. Thank you Sara. I hope you’ll read my story that you’ll publish where you can’t see my happiness, but you can clearly perceive it.
A kiss to you Sara and to all of those who like us try to send messages that Angels give us or those who really need them.
Angels Coincidences Meaningful Synchronicity Witnessing of Angels
Angels Coincidences Meaningful Synchronicity The words of the Angels
