I Saw An Angel Stories

I Saw An Angel Stories Of Meetings With The Guardian Angel


I Saw An Angel Stories : hello, I found your website by accident while looking up information on the book “the other side exists”, what I read here has touched me, shocked me, and given me hope; about 4 or 5 years ago I had a strange dream, (I believe it was a dream because I was not in a state of wake/sleep) where I found myself in front of my Guardian Angel, he was standing by the right hand side of a bed where I was sleeping during this dream, his silhouette was tall and imposing, he radiated an intense light, almost with golden reflections, it was not possible to see the face because of the bright light, but I could discern his closed wings and long blond hair; I did not know who he was, so I asked him “who are you?”, his answer was “I am Ezekiel, your Guardian Angel”.


I woke up very suddenly, and I sensed his presence with me, with sensations that were so wonderful, I had never experienced them before, I have always believed that it was not just a regular dream, also because I truly believe that dreams are a lot more important than we give them credit for, I believe they are some kind of bridge to communicate with another dimension …. in any case, I believe that my Angel manifested himself to me through the dream without even me seeking him, I believe he was looking for me, however after that I never dreamt of him again, but since then I have been experiencing things where, before that dream, I would have never connected them with His presence, warnings through some signs, both positive and negative, paths to take, decisions to make, the results have been good when I chose to follow those signs, and very bad when I did not heed those negative signs like with an event that deeply changed my life.




I Saw An Angel Stories Of Meetings With The Guardian Angel was told by Tiziana




I Saw An Angel Stories Of Meetings With The Guardian Angel


I Saw An Angel Stories


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

