Divine Help From The Archangel Raphael

Divine Help From The Archangel Raphael Experiences


Divine Help From The Archangel Raphael : dear Sara, my name is Angelo, and I would like to tell you about my latest experiences, I would like to talk to you about the tiny signs that have been helping me enormously; for a number of reasons I find myself paying a lot of attention to my general health, I pay a lot of attention to every small sign from my body, and I interpret every “symptom” as the omen for some bad illness, this situation has been going on like this for about two years, even though I seem to alternate moments of complete tranquility to more tumultuous spells; lately, unfortunately, I found myself in one of those tumultuous moments and this time I really could not get out of it, in any case, I really needed divine help.


After about a week of complete seclusion (I could not leave the house, I did not feel like seeing anyone) I agreed to join my father for a short walk … and with great shock I found a little holy picture on the ground. It was a picture of the Archangel Raphael, the “Health Archangel”. From that moment on, I no longer worried about my health, the much awaited help arrived, I felt I had been “heard”. Finding holy pictures not a new thing for me, because every time I went through a critical time of my life, I found a holy picture which made me feel much better.


Continuing on what I was saying, after a few days from the day I found the Archangel Raphael holy picture, I decided to buy a Rosary and a ring, exactly on the day of Saint Mary of the Assumption. That evening, I reflected a lot on this, for me that ring represents a bond with God. The following day, the 16th August, day of our Patron Saint Rocco, I found another holy picture, it’s of the Madonna of Pompeii, and on the back were the following words A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO RECITE THE ROSARY.


You could imagine my joy!!! For me it was a sign, an invitation to recite the Saint Rosary every day, from the heart. So, whereas beforehand I felt lost, now I see the road that has been indicated to me!!!


Maybe this experience could be useful to someone, in a moment of particular difficulty when he or she does not surrender completely to God. I learned to let go and surrender to Him and He helps me find a way to feel better and always make me smile!!!


I thank you for everything Sara!


A hug


Divine Help From The Archangel Raphael Experiences was the testimonial of Angel


Divine Help From The Archangel Raphael Experiences


Divine Help From The Archangel Raphael


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

