Guardian Angel Doubts In The Mind

Guardian Angel Doubts In The Mind Certainty In The Heart Seeing The Guardian Angel Story


Guardian Angel Doubts In The Mind : we are Souls, but the fact that we see materiality leads us to believe that only what we can touch constitutes reality; doubts in the mind but certainties in the heart; we are Souls and what we feel as true in the heart is the Truth; your Sara Luce now leaves you to the words, to the experience of Lucia.


Thank you, because last night my Angel pushed me to find this website by accident, I too have recently had a contact with my Angel, and I thought I was going mad, but then I saw your website last night, now I know I am not losing my mind, but that there are people like me who experience these phenomena.


One night, about two months ago, I saw my Angel, he was beautiful, a young creature with rather long hair, curly, very smiling and serene, the first thing I noticed was the feeling I had of serenity, and the joy that he possessed, and that he transmitted to me, but he was dressed in black, how is it possible that an Angel would be dressed in black?  Maybe it’s because I often wear black? But how can I be sure  that it is my Guardian Angel and not somebody else’s Angel? I asked him, I would like to know his name, so I can call him by name, is it the reason why he made me find your website?


I feel him often, often talking to me, I feel him caressing my hands or the face, or the head. One night, I was particularly sad and I was crying because of a problem I was having, I felt him embracing me on the neck and leaning his head on mine …. Do you think I was just imagining things, or was that real?


Well, I know that it’s true, but I would love your confirmation so I can feel more normal and to share these things with people who can understand me.


Thank you


Guardian Angel Doubts In The Mind Certainty In The Heart Seeing The Guardian Angel Story was the testimonial of Lucy


Guardian Angel Doubts In The Mind Certainty In The Heart Seeing The Guardian Angel Story


Guardian Angel Doubts In The Mind The words of the Angels

