Rosary Of St John Paul II A Gift From Heaven

Rosary Of St John Paul II A Gift From Heaven Testimonial


Rosary Of St John Paul II A Gift From Heaven : I would like to share with you and the group a beautiful episode that happened to me this summer, I would like to add that in May of last year I lost my dad after a brief illness, and following a (terrible) stay in the hospital for many days, in the intensive care unit; I prayed a lot for him, and instinctively, I felt I had to use a Rosary of St John Paul II that my brother had brought from his visit to Rome, a couple of days following the death of my mother.


When my father passed away, I put this Rosary in his hands, as if my mother, in that way, could also be close to him.


This summer one of my sisters dreamt of my mother, so we decided to have a Mass service in their memory, we did it on what would have been their wedding anniversary, the 6th of August.


The morning of 6th August, after visiting the cemetery, I went to Church to speak with the Pastor who was going to recite the Mass, as I walked in I heard a lady saying “Every now and then people leave objects in the Church so that others can pick them up”. I turned around and I picked one of those objects. It was a Rosary, a Rosary of St John Paul II, identical to the one I “gave” my dad …


Tears started flowing from my eyes: he, with my mum, in the day of their anniversary, “returned” the same Rosary, as if to say, “We are with you, always”.


Thank you, you have helped me “see” and feel the miracles that happen to us every day and the very real closeness of those who are truly “invisible to the eyes”.


Rosary Of St John Paul II A Gift From Heaven Testimonial was the testimonial of Annalisa


Rosary Of St John Paul II A Gift From Heaven Testimonial


Rosary Of St John Paul II A Gift From Heaven


The Words of the Angels

