Life The Life A Daily Path Of Growth

Life The Life A Daily Path Of Growth Testimonial


Life The Life A Daily Path Of Growth : hello dear Sara, as I mentioned to you, it’s been a while, I have experienced another beautiful and meaningful personal story that I would like to share with you and all those who you will deem may be interested in reading it; ours is a daily path of growth that I try to live intensely, letting myself be guided by the flow of the full river that is life, I keep following you in your progress and I draw a lot of inspiration from the material you post and make available to all of us.


I attach a few pages of my life.






Once again a dream …. “I was in an enclosed space, round in shape, the light that came through did not warm me up and did not illuminate much. Around me was a series of rooms, lined up, one next to the other and I was there, with a profound sense of anguish and fear, I would approach these rooms and I could see inside each one, as if they were hospital rooms, a bed, was laying there, and at the bedside was a chair, and another person was standing, busy assisting the person who seemed to be sick.


Continuing on my way, the same scenes kept repeating in front of me, many sick people and just as many people standing by tending to them, until I noticed the last room where next to the bed of a sick person was Jesus on a cross, with the entire cross, standing oblique next to the bedside …


I was overwhelmed by an unstoppable restlessness, I was reaching for the exit really quickly, but suddenly, as if to stop me from feeling, I found my father, intent on stopping me from leaving, even though eventually I did manage to leave, and that’s when I woke up suddenly”.


Once again this is how, at the end of this summer, I lived my new experience of growth!


After a few days from that dream that left me very shaken, I received with much surprise a phone call from a dear old lady by the name of Lidia, whom I had not seen in years, and with whom I did not keep in touch since the death of her husband. Her words of help and compassion toward her daughter instilled inside me a feeling of worry. Lidia was truly desperate about what was happening to her, a sudden sequence of events, too devastating for a single and sick lady to cope with.


The desperation that Lidia felt for Silvana made her seek me out, and I went to her to listen and to find a way to comfort her.


Her story was one of years of screaming, violence inflicted on her and an unfulfilled wish for maternity, her daughter was too much in love and her husband who was too far away from her.


I told Lidia that Silvana could call me at any time, even if I knew this was going to be very difficult, due to her extreme shyness; however a few days later the unthinkable did happen. After a few minutes of conversation with her I perceived her willingness to change her life, she wanted to leave and she was organizing her future elsewhere. I asked her how I could be of help to her and she told me that she needed a ride in a car to her new destination, since she did not have a lot of money she could not afford the train ticket and she did not want to ask her mother and burden her with it.


We left it at that, I assured her I would help and I started to help arrange her “ride”.


After a few days, Silvana’s destiny was unraveling in all its human drama. First it was a phone call form Lidia, informing me of her sudden recovery, and after as few as three days, another call to inform me of Silvana’s death.


I had gone to the hospital to see her, two days before that, as soon as I heard she was not well I had asked all of my connections to find a way to have her looked at by the doctors in the best possible way, then I prayed for her, but it was for nothing.


I could not bring myself to picture her at her deathbed, but Lidia desperately asked to call me and I was able to see her for one last goodbye.


When I approached the mortuary, a place I had yet to visit in my life, I had access to a hall, there were other people outside and even next to me there were some relatives at the entrance, and as soon as I entered, I was taken by a strange sensation, I remembered that place,  the more I observed it the more I realized I was reliving the dream where I had been a protagonist a few days before, to the point where I told this out loud to my wife, without worrying about being taken for a crazy person!


Around the central hall there were some rooms, laid out in a circular manner, and in each one of these there was an open coffin with the dead person being tended to by one or two people, seated next to them in prayer. I was looking for “Silvana’s room” and soon after I found it. Her face was serene, after so much suffering, and behind her there was an image of Jesus, with his compassionate face who did not abandon her. I understood everything, I won my fears, and once again I accepted the reality of things, what my father wanted to teach me with that dream, despite myself. I hugged Lidia to me and I turned to Silvana with all my heart, already knowing what she would have wanted from me.


What happened afterward was a succession of events that do not leave any doubt over the intervention from Silvana, in the resolution of a series of problems that related to the survival of the same Lidia.


Lidia was close to me, she played an important role in the following days, but what was happening truly was inexplicable.


Try to imagine a single lady, old, sick and not very well versed, how could she face such an enormous load of legal and bureaucratical work that were awaiting her?


Lidia was alone against the man who had been her son in law, toward whom she had shown affection but received none in return, who had become the source of fear for her, maybe just like he had been for her daughter, and she could not resign herself to the fact that the law was going to allow him to be the head of that house that had been built through so much sacrifice, as he would end up practically by her.


His demands toward Lidia became more and more insistent, it was difficult for me to try to sort out what Silvana had left pending. An immense amount of debt, mortgages, and no will. Everything was extremely complicated, but I knew that I was not going to be alone in this. I spent the first couple of evenings going through the hundreds of bank statements, contracts and other paperwork in order to make some sense of it all and find the right way to help Lidia with the legalities.


My success was limited, I was still missing some important pieces of the jigsaw puzzle, but I was hopeful, and I finally found myself speaking to the legal representative managing this case.


That morning, Lidia and I were in his study, seated in front of him at his desk, I had already started to explain the facts, and I found myself strangely empathizing with the man sitting in front of me, a person particularly humane and reassuring.


The lawyer explained to me that he used to be a friend of Silvana’s husband, he remembered him as a good person, although lately he did not even seem to recognize him anymore. I told him, “he’s not a bad person, he’s only fragile” and he nodded his head.


We were missing a crucial document to throw some clarity on the issue, a contract that we just simply could not find anywhere in that tidal wave of disorganized paperwork. At that point the lawyer turned his attention to a specific sheet of paper, he picked it up and we both realized that it was it, what we had been looking for. I told Lidia that I was astonished, that up until the night before I could not find that document and she explained to me, almost in an apologetic tone, that the day before, after I had left, a lady from the real estate agency had come to visit and dropped it off.


The lawyer understood the situation and took it upon himself to manage this case, since he told me he had met Lidia during a trip to Lourdes. He told me “I am a gurney operator” and, in the meantime, he turned the monitor of his computer toward me and showed me a picture of the miraculous grotto, completely flooded with rainwater, after the strange climatic conditions that had taken place in that area. He added… “These are the tears of our Madonna, shed because of the sins of humanity”.


We said goodbye, convinced that the issue, from that moment on, was going to take a favorable turn for Lidia, and for the first time I even saw some serenity in her eyes. I was thrilled about that, after I accompanied her I went to the office, where a colleague was waiting to show me an article he had found on the internet that caught his attention. I asked him what the article was about, and almost repeating the same gesture from the lawyer a few moments earlier, he turned the computer monitor toward me and showed me the image of the Grotto of the Madonna of Lourdes, within an article written by a pastor who had linked the recent flooding of the Lourdes venue with the fire in the mountain of Medjugorje, extrapolating some distinct messages from the Virgin Mary to humanity.


I could not connect these two events, however, you know my feelings about “coincidences” and, for this reason, I was sure that what was happening to me, with helping Lidia, was somehow connected to this.


A few days ago an even more improbable event just took place, it was announced to me from a phone call from Lidia, who, in tears, told me that among Silvana’s papers she found, thanks to a good friend of hers, the will that she had indeed written, a few weeks before her sudden and unexpected death. She was leaving all her possessions that had been donated to her by her parents to her, nominating her as her sole heir, and thus not abandoning her to face that man who proved to be unable to love her. It was as if she almost felt what destiny had in place for her, and acted for the welfare of her mother.


The clouds suddenly disappeared, Silvana thought of everything, both in this life of suffering and in the place of light and love where she was now. I replied to Lidia, “You know she is helping us, don’t worry because everything will be fine”.


I believe I can put the word “end” to this story, having drawn a precious teaching from it: the suffering of humanity is shared every day by those who love us unconditionally, Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary look at our desperation and listen to our hearts at all times, giving us hope in this life and certainty in the eternity.


Life The Life A Daily Path Of Growth Testimonial was the testimonial of Carlo


Life The Life A Daily Path Of Growth Testimonial


Life The Life A Daily Path Of Growth


The Words of the Angels

