Crucial Coincidences In Life Love And Work

Crucial Coincidences In Life Love And Work On The Subject Of Coincidences


Crucial Coincidences In Life Love And Work : my sweet friend, I could not sleep at all last night so I “threw myself” into your website, reading and re-reading the many wonderful things that are available, on the subject of coincidences, I would like to tell you about two of them, that perhaps I have not shared with you yet.


First coincidence, the Meeting with Gianni


We were both students at the Institute Duke of Abruzzi, I would go in the morning and Gianni in the afternoon, so we never met there.


In the last year I followed with interest the Universities Soccer Tournament (many of my friends were playing and we would always follow them): that year was important, the namesake of “Duke” was at stake, and the coach was my Financial Sciences professor.


And so the team was formed: A few of my friends, but from the very beginning and without a shadow of a doubt, the professor chose Gianni as the team captain.


Our school won the tournament and I did not think about it anymore, at that time I was focused on preparing for my diploma.


The first morning, the last person to show up, in the long corridor that also served as a classroom (three classes all together) was Gianni and I …. I was star struck!!!!


With a lot of effort on my side we did date, initially we would go out with other students, then alone: it seemed impossible that he would be interested in me.


After a few days I had a wonderful dream: Gianni and I were getting married in the Church of Saint George at Velabro in Rome, Italy, I remember we were illuminated by the light from the tiny little window on the right, a beautiful light …. like a beacon, just for us.


Four years went by, we found a job and we decided to get married.


I had to arrange everything by myself (my mum did not take the news too well) and so, among the many things to do, we chose the Church.


The Church of Saint George was really quite expensive and so we decided for Saint Joseph at the Mamertino Prison, obviously we immediately gave the deposit and picked a date: A Saturday in April.


When I told the news to my mum she got upset, and told me that – since it was on a Saturday – nobody would join us because of work commitments.


I was really sad, so much so that Gianni decided to rethink the choice of venue and so …. we married, on a Sunday in June, at the Church of Saint George at Velabro.


Second coincidence, Work Problems


After many years (25) spent performing a “service”, due to a series of events, I was offered to move to the “financial treasury” department, where I practically had to deal not only with deadlines and horrible work hours, but especially many many many millions and billions.


I was always tense, however, when I would return home I would be able to ‘unplug’ the cord (lovingly motivated by Gianni) and I would plug it back in the following morning.


One morning I had a terrible doubt: I suspected I had mistakenly put the sign “-“(minus) instead of “+” (plus) in front of 20 billions, which meant that there was going to be an awful lot of trouble.


I ran to the office and I got the confirmation that indeed I did put the incorrect sign!!!


With the heart beating fast I was awaiting the arrival of my boss: I was extremely agitated, even though I kept telling myself “those who work make mistakes” – “there is a solution for it” – “keep calm”, but he did not show up …..


At one point the phone rang: it was a coworker from our Naples office, who, with a shaky voice, told me that unfortunately an extraordinary and totally unpredictable thing had happened (we would get irritated whenever this happened). The customer Acquesotto Pugliese – who never paid their bills – had decided to pay TWENTY BILLIONS!!!!


I just wanted to tell you and … thank you for the joy of your company during this long night.



A kiss,


Crucial Coincidences In Life Love And Work On The Subject Of Coincidences was the testimonial of Laura


Crucial Coincidences In Life Love And Work On The Subject Of Coincidences


Crucial Coincidences In Life Love And Work The words of the Angels

