Angels Safeguarding The Lives

Angels Safeguarding The Lives Of Two Children


Angels Safeguarding The Lives : at the time I did not think about Angels, even if I saw many manifestations in the real world (meaning that I could see them), and also seeing/hearing objects move and strange noises, but whenever I did see it, I would get scared, I did not think it was anything good; that time, however, “someone” must have intervened, albeit not to save me.


I was going to work and I was driving on the highway, fast as always, until I came across a car that was coming from the opposite direction.


It seemed that it was flashing the beams at me, I say it seemed because the sun was shining on that car and you could not easily tell if the lights were on or not. In that fraction of seconds I was shocked. I wondered if the driver was trying to warn me of something (something quite common), to slow down for a possible police car stopped on the way, but I knew that the tract of road that I was about to drive did not have enough room to allow a patrol car to stop any cars, and even less so the state road afterward, since the officers would have to stay outside of the car with the speed radar, not only because it was a section of road with an emergency lane that was about 20 inches wide, but also because it was right after a rather crucial bend.


There was no traffic, I was the only one on the road during that summer afternoon, therefore, while I was driving fast, I was still within the speed limit, and as I looked at the face of the driver of the car that flashed his lights at me, I noticed that he was driving, how can I put this, as if he was totally carefree and least of all with the intention of flashing his lights at me. But I was sure of what I had seen with my eyes.


Everything happened within a few moments, I don’t know why, but something told me to slow down, even more so just before that famous bend. It was something that was greater than me. It’s as if it was not me that was slowing down … I had slowed down to the speed of a bicycle, I started driving into the curve … and I froze: two little boys were crossing the road without even looking to see if there was a car coming, just as if they were taking a stroll in the park, mindless of everything that was happening all around them, because they were too busy talking to each other.


I was driving extremely slowly, I almost stopped, giving them all the time they needed to cross the road. I looked in the rear view mirror because I was afraid that another car behind me would plough into my car. But nothing happened. I was having goose bumps just thinking of what would have happened if I had driven around that bend at my usual speed, two lives could have been lost. I was speaking to myself “Thank you God, Thank you God”, it was something that I could have never ever forgiven myself if something had indeed happened to those two children ….


I always think about it, every time I drive past that point, but I especially think that someone intervened, someone greater than me, pushing down on my brake, making me see some light beam flash. The children’s Angels intervened to safeguard their lives by acting on me, the one and only car driving  that part of the highway with tons of traffic, where I never ever see a vehicle drive slow … Thank you sweet Angels


Perhaps you were imagining a story more rich with details, but for me it was an important experience, for days I had been trying to make sense of the strange slowing down of my car. Now I know.


Angels Safeguarding The Lives Of Two Children was the testimonial of Simoncina


Angels Safeguarding The Lives Of Two Children


Angels Safeguarding The Lives The words of the Angels

