Belief In After Death Experiences

Belief In After Death Experiences With My Mother


Belief In After Death Experiences : hello, I don’t know if I will end up writing this message for nothing, I hope it will get read by someone who will have a minimum of respect for the belief in after death, I am afraid of writing something stupid, oh well, I will try it.


Two years ago my mother passed away, it was a sudden death, poor lady, she left without saying goodbye to anyone in her family, I am one of her five children. She enjoyed good health, she was only 68. Anyway, 4 days after her funeral, I was cooking, and my husband and my daughter were on the sofa next to the entrance door, my sister came to visit me, we chatted about our mum, my sister was crying and before she left I told her “Certainly our mum is much better where she is now, she does not feel any more pain” … after exactly two minutes after my sister left, I heard the door knock, two times.


I told my husband, who has very good hearing, to please open the door because it was certainly my sister who had forgotten something, but there was nobody at the door, right at the moment I heard my sisters’ car engine start; I had the urge to say “HELLO MUM, did you come to visit?” I was eight months pregnant, I told her “Come in, I am making your favorite pasta …. come to see the new room for the girls”


I was enthusiastic …. obviously I was talking to myself … my husband was watching me rather skeptically …. he immediately called my sister on her cell phone to ask her if by any chance she knocked on the door when she left … her reply was “Obviously not!” …. and this is what happened … when I told my sister she was incredulous but my sister in law told me that she must have knocked twice because at the funeral I was the only one of the children who did not kiss the casket during the final goodbye; it’s true, I gave the coffin two taps with my hand, I was angry because she was in that coffin ….


In any case, I am convinced that it was my mum who came to knock on the door, just like my husband says, to confirm that she is indeed doing well where she is, just like I told my sister to reassure her.


Then one night I dreamed of her, and dreams are very meaningful; I would love to be sure of my thoughts, sometimes doubt gets hold of me, what to do? Sometimes it’s natural to be skeptical … oh well, hope is all we have.


A thousand thanks for those who will have read this and moreover for any reply that I might get.


Thank you again


Belief In After Death Experiences With My Mother was the testimonial of Vera


Belief In After Death Experiences With My Mother


Belief In After Death Experiences The words of the Angels

