Endless Love In The Hearts Sent By My Angel

Endless Love In The Hearts Sent By My Angel experiences


Endless Love In The Hearts Sent By My Angel : hello Sara, I have the pleasure and the honor to be able to write to you with a testimonial of Love from the Sky, I hope it can be of help to all of those who believe they are alone with their difficulties and pain in life.


A year ago I lost my father, I felt an inconsolable desperation, I was angry with the entire world, I was sure that I had received a pain and an injustice that were too great for me to bear.


I dreamt of him very often, in my dreams I would ask him to come back home; he would tell me not to cry because in the Sky they receive all of our sadness. On another one of those many dreams, I obstinately asked my father the same thing, I saw a female figure telling me with a firm but not reproaching voice, to cut this pain, and that I would not be alone in cutting this pain, that I would be receiving help from the Sky, that’s what she said, “Help from the Sky”.


The dream left me speechless, I could not understand what the meaning of it was. I talked about it with my parents and the thing that left them a little worried was the fact that I said I knew that I was no longer alone in facing this pain, that I was convinced that I had someone close to me, because this is what they told me in the dream. I believe I was correct.


After a few days in my home I started seeing hearts on everything, made of everything. Unexpectedly, while I would be busy around the house, I would suddenly see them, and it’s a joy that takes my breath away, I  stay close to those hearts and I try to absorb all of the Love that they bring me from the Sky. I stop and thank my Angel and Jesus for allowing all this for me.


Now I practically have a direct line, I am jesting but I am so very grateful that with so much Love I can tell the my Angel has given me his visiting hours, and when it’s been three or four days without hearing from him, I begin to molest him, I ask him to show up, to be close to me, and that’s when he sends me hearts.


That morning I saw the heart in the vegetable soup, I had been “talking to him for hours”, asking him for help, for a sign; I was busy preparing lunch, I emptied the bottle of soup on the plate and moved on to do other things, then I turned around and saw the heart.




“Can I cry from joy?” I thought… I was laughing but tears were flowing down my face. I thanked him, I stopped to tell him, this is what I do every time he tells me that he loves me through his hearts. Things have changed now, I have joy inside, I no longer feel alone, I know that next to me there is an Angel that calls me, that speaks to me form the heart, my heart is no longer full of anger but full of joy for my entire life.


Thank you Sara for this possibility that you have given me, it’s been wonderful to be able to share it with you and with all readers.


An embrace full of love,


Endless Love In The Hearts Sent By My Angel was the testimonial of Stefania.


Endless Love In The Hearts Sent By My Angel experiences


Endless Love In The Hearts Sent By My Angel


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

