Dreaming Of Angels Contact

Dreaming Of Angels Contact With The Guardian Angel In A Dream


Dreaming Of Angels Contact : hello Sara Luce, it is Valeria once again, I wrote to you a few days ago, I wanted to tell you one more wonderful thing that happened to me last night, I was reading the long page you published on how to contact our own Guardian Angel, the part where you write to ask something to our Angel so that we can feel their presence, you cited the example of the journal, I thought about it a little bit, and then I had a sudden idea and decided to ask my Angel for a little star, and I wrote it on a post-it note, then I kept on reading, you then suggest on your site to write down one of our problems where we would like to receive their advice on a piece of paper, and to then go out one day, walk in a crowded place, so that we may be guided by Him to discern the answer by listening to the words of other people and so I wrote my problem about family issues, I was fully intending one of these days to go out to a crowded place to see what would happen.


Well, I finished reading the web page and the first sign appeared already ….. the little star!!! I should explain that right up to the day before I was on the phone with my fiancé because I wanted to save your website among my favorites, but I could not find the icon for it, believe me when I say that I spent an awful lot of time just looking for it, but to no avail, then my boyfriend told me “it must be on the top on the left hand side” … nothing …. I could not see it. When I finished reading the first page on how to establish a contact with our Angel, I automatically thought “yes, I am going to add this to my favorites” … and I clicked on the little star icon and the site was added to m favorites … that’s when all of a sudden I looked at the little yellow star, which right up until then I simply could not find, and that now I could clearly see right in front of me!!!


But this is not all … the best part is still to come, last night, after having told my fiancée everything, with tears and a huge smile, and after having seen once again some more little stars on a notebook that my mother, who was completely clueless of my previous actions, decided to take out from the drawer; I went to bed really happy … I woke up at 4:31 and I dreamt of my Angel!!! What joy!!! In my dream I found myself in the house I used to live in some twenty years ago, and guess on which street it was located? Street Guardian Angel!!! The Street in which I used to live when I was twelve!!!


In this home the family issue I had had resurfaced again, and I saw that the core of the problem is in the relationship that exists between my two sisters in law … later on I was at the clinic (I am a biologist and I specialize in clinical biochemistry) and I was with Her, my Angel, the one that in my dream was a specialist in podiatry (just yesterday I was telling a girlfriend that I had read a book about the Other Side and that what had given me strength to believe was the introduction in the book, written by a podiatrist, Melvin Morse, and that I place a lot of trust on the medical profession because to me they represent science, just like biologists do) I was asking her what we were supposed to do and She, in a very loving way, told me that “she saw that the insurance checks paid were very expensive and that it was not worth paying 85 euros to go to Rome, my father’s health was much more important”. I party understood what she tried to tell me. At that point a very sweet music played and she told me that she had to leave because she had to go and collect the medicines, I was looking at her, she was a beautiful girl, with blonde hair tied back and light blue eyes, with very sweet facial features …. I did not want to leave her, just like if I was saying goodbye to someone whom I was very attached to who was about to leave … I was really sad! We hugged and She left forever with the music as background … I opened my eyes and I woke up ….


I am truly at the peak of my joy for what has happened to me, I hope this is only the beginning and that I will have the opportunity to see her and feel her presence many more times.


Dreaming Of Angels Contact With The Guardian Angel In A Dream was the testimonial of Valeria


Dreaming Of Angels Contact With The Guardian Angel In A Dream


Dreaming Of Angels Contact


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

