Guardian Angels Do Exist

Guardian Angels Do Exist Absolute Certainty Of His Existence


Guardian Angels Do Exist : dear Sara Luce, I will very gladly tell you my experience, I used to run a bar and my working hours were from five in the morning until, who knows, meaning that sometimes I had to stay there until late at night, only resting a few hours in the afternoon on a lounge chair and it was on one of such nights, while I was driving home (it was two in the morning) that I fell asleep at the wheel and as I was approaching two curves back to back I heard a voice calling my name, and a hand taking hold of the steering wheel and putting me right back in my lane, otherwise I would have slammed against a large tree, I saw it, in front of me, but in the very same fraction of time that same hand led me away, I stopped, I could not start the car again because my legs trembled so much, and also from all the tears that did not seem to stop, since know with absolute certainty that my Angel, or my Angels, are always with me, to help me, support me, and I do not let a day go by without telling Them that I love them and I thank them for everything they do for me!!!


Guardian Angels Do Exist Absolute Certainty Of His Existence was the testimonial of Giulietta


Guardian Angels Do Exist Absolute Certainty Of His Existence


Guardian Angels Do Exist The words of the Angels

