The intervention of Guardian Angels in help

The intervention of Guardian Angels in help of children


The intervention of Guardian Angels in help : hello dear Sara, I was reading Mirella’s testimonial, her direct experience, on the help that her Guardian Angel, hers or her daughters, had given in a moment of great danger, when her daughter was very small, about 4 months and she started to roll on the bed, risking a fall that would have been dangerous for her.




This is what happened to my Carlotta: she was about 6 months old and I was changing her on a table.


I turned around for one second to pick up something, and when I turned back around I saw her rolling down to one side … I can’t tell you exactly but it all happened as if it was on a slow motion movie … she rolled down, and she should have fallen on her side, or at the very least face down or up, instead, I saw her as if she was being ‘accompanied’, as if someone gently put her on the ground, sitting up … the moment I realized what had happened I thought it was wonderful, even if at first I was very scared … then I understood ….


A big kiss!


The intervention of Guardian Angels in help of children was told by Greta




The intervention of Guardian Angels in help of children


The intervention of Guardian Angels in help The words of the Angels

