My trip to Medjugorje and gifts received

My trip to Medjugorje and gifts received from the Sky the extraordinary apparition


My trip to Medjugorje and gifts received : hello Sara Luce, and hello to all friends of the website. I am here again to give you another testimonial of gifts received from the Sky; last month I heard from a friend of mine about the possibility to go on a trip to Medjugorje with her Church group; I wanted to go there during the day of the apparition, but since the dates of the trip were from the 15th to the 20th of June, there would be no apparition.


Albeit a little sad at the unfortunate dates, I decided to go anyway. We arrived on the 17th, our guide informed us that in the evening, at 22:00 there would be an extraordinary apparition! Wow, the Virgin heard me and gave me an enormous Celestial gift! Thank you Maria for this, and also to Jesus.


That night, I had a dream, a vision of Maria. But this did not even surprise me anymore because this is not the first time it’s happened. Some time ago, I kept harassing my little Angel to find out his name, one night the Virgin appeared in my dream, telling me that they had a message for me. She moved to the side, and behind Her I saw a male figure, tall, handsome, and pleasant. I thought to myself “Could this be Jesus?” and, instead, a warm voice told me: “I am your Guardian Angel, my name is Luca!”


Let me tell you, I woke up in a state of euphoria! Not only my Guardian Angel spoke to me, but he even came escorted by the Madonna! What a wonderful gift!


I returned home from the trip on the 20th of June. The night between the 20th and 21st, while I was turning in my bed, I OPENED MY EYES, and what did I see for a few seconds? A little child, elevated, about 8 or 9 years old, smiling at me!


The following day I spoke about this with my friend and she told me: “Maybe the child you saw could be Jesus the child, and not your little Angel, as you suspect”!


Do you want to know why he was smiling? Because he was happy that, while in Medjugorje, I confessed, and even took the holy body of Christ, for the first time in AGES.


An embrace,


My trip to Medjugorje and gifts received from the Sky the extraordinary apparition was told by Rosy




My trip to Medjugorje and gifts received from the Sky the extraordinary apparition


My trip to Medjugorje and gifts received The words of the Angels

