Images of Guardian Angels in the dream

Images of Guardian Angels in the dream good news


Images of Guardian Angels in the dream : hello Sara, I wanted to tell you about this dream, but let’s start from the beginning; 5 years ago something bad happened, I discovered that my companion was having an affair with another woman, and since I was living in his house, I took my son and I left, I slept over at a friend’s house, and after a while the council assigned me a small room with a bathroom, for me and my son.


At the time I was working on a temporay employment contract, which they subsequently confirmed as permanent, but that job did not, and still does not, give me enough to afford to rent my own place …


And so, 5 long years went by and the situation never changed, until about a week ago … that’s when, as I went to sleep and said my prayers, as always I would pray for a home, believe me, living in such a small place can be frustrating … well, I fell asleep, and I dreamt of a moving truck with a lot of furniture … I looked at it sadly, as I feel like moving is the last thing I want to do … also because I just helped my daughter move too … next to the truck, still in my dream, there was a man, and I somehow knew he was an Angel, he looked at me, smiled, and opened his arms, I ran towards him, to his arms, they were welcoming me and holding me very tight ….


I can’t tell you the peace and love that I was feeling … I looked at the truck again, and then my Angel, and, feeling very tired, I asked him “Will you take me with you away from here?”. And, smiling, he told me that he would …


In the morning I woke up with a nice sensation, and I thought “Has my Angel come to take me away? If this is what it’s meant to be, then good! ...”


At about noon the council called me, and told me that in a few days they would be able to transfer me to an actual house!!! I nearly had a heart attack!!! It had been five years since I had heard from them, and we are expecting to move any day now!!


That’s why the Angel was smiling, and told me that he would take me with him, and the moving truck was there!!!


What do you think?? All this is so beautiful!!!


As soon as I move into my new home I will send you pictures!! I tight hug


Images of Guardian Angels in the dream good news was told by Catia




Images of Guardian Angels in the dream good news


Images of Guardian Angels in the dream The words of the Angels

