The rays of grace flash and a band of light

The rays of grace flash and a band of light blue light


The rays of grace : dear Sara and everyone, I wanted to tell you about something that happened to me about two years ago; one day my father felt some excruciating pain in his abdomen; we ran to the ER, surgery, and terrible diagnosis, the surgeon walked out of the operating room and spoke with us, his children, she said that when they opened up his abdomen the doctors just looked at each others, because usually in cases like these they simply close the patient back up again, but the surgeon, who fortunately was the head surgeon, asked “What do you think, shall we try to operate on him?” may God bless her forever, and bless her actions.


During the recovery days my father was not able to regain his strength, one night, while I was in the car driving home from the hospital, I spoke with Jesus and asked him “Jesus, I don’t want to speak to our Saints, I want to speak to you, you are the one that makes miracles, do you really want to leave me all alone then?”


Then I changed my mind, and also asked for the intervention of the Saints I feel closest to, Father Pio, Saint Rita, Saint Leopold. All the above accompanied by a healthy dose of tears …


My father was discharged from the hospital, one night, while he was in bed, still debilitated, he was alone, he still had the stitches from the surgery on him, he saw a flash coming from the kitchen next door, and a strange band of light blue light, together with other shades of colors, this light was peeking at the bedroom door ….


Frightened, he thought it was a thief, or some UFO. Well, even though he was still in rough shape, he decided to get up, go to the garden and to check. We live on the ground floor. Then the power went out in the entire neighborhood. The story of the strange blue light caught my attention … a while later I dreamt of my Angel, and the only things I managed to remember from that dream were that THEY helped me from up there, and they want for my Angel to help me.


On the internet I read about bands of light emanating from the ring that Maria wears on her finger. And so, what was it? Strange atmospheric phenomena, or a celestial ray of light?


My father is still alive and independent again, some ups and downs, but he’s still alive two years later.


Thank you Jesus for having heeded my prayers, thank you for sending me the MOTHER to help me with the Angels, thank you Saints for your intervention, thank you my little Angel for having given me the news in my dream, in short, THANK YOU GOD!


The rays of grace flash and a band of light blue light was told from Rosy




The rays of grace flash and a band of light blue light


The rays of grace The words of the Angels

