Being guided by your own Guardian Angel

Being guided by your own Guardian Angel a little white feather


Being guided by your own Guardian Angel : hello Sara, here I am with you again, telling you of another episode; when my husband was still single he lived in a little town, last week I mentioned “why don’t we go visit your family?”, it was all very strange, it was as if I wanted to do it, and something was pushing me to do it.


We arrived there, my father in law told me that my husband’s uncle had a large tumor in his liver. After an initial moment of shock and grief, we went to visit him. Strangely, when we arrived, everyone immediately felt comfortable … it was as if they were waiting for us to open up, to gain comfort, it was not an ideal situation, and I found myself consoling them, speaking sweetly, I wanted to help them understand that he must fight, that he could not give up, later on, his wife called me and told me: “Agata, look what I found in my car, on my seat …” she opened up her purse and took out a little while feather!!!


Nooo, I could not believe it, I have known her for 11 years and we never ever talked about this !!! I looked at her, and said: “Anna, do you believe in Guardian Angels?” and she replied “But of course, for the longest time … ever since my son was 8 and left us following a car accident” … you know, Sara, I had goose bumps …. the Lord wanted our Souls to become closer … He wanted us to meet up to strengthen our prayers, to encourage us.


Strangely, she was telling me, she felt strong throughout all that was going on … and as I was in front of my husband’s uncle, I was about to leave, I saw his face relaxing and, with an immense sense of Love and sweetness, I told him: “You know, despite everything you are a lucky man … you have a very strong woman next to you, she is with you now and will always be at your side!!!”


We said goodbye to everyone, everyone was touched, I closed the gate behind me, drove a little way, and guess what I found in the courtyard of the house of my father in law, where we were staying as guests? A little white feather!!!!


Sara, I know it can all be so strange, and one could even struggle to believe all this, but know that it all really happened. My Angel did his job: he made sure I went to the house of my in-laws, to give strength and bring a message of good wishes to my husband’s uncles’ family.


I don’t know how this is going to develop, on Friday he is doing a CAT scan, I will keep you posted.


A hug


Being guided by your own Guardian Angel a little white feather was told from Agata




Being guided by your own Guardian Angel a little white feather


Being guided by your own Guardian Angel The words of the Angels

