Spiritual growth and revelations

Spiritual growth and revelations from a Guardian Angel


Spiritual growth and revelations : dear Sara, some time ago I wrote to you, and I joined the group from Catania, praying every Tuesday night; I tried to open a dialogue with my Guardian Angel, and finally, after many requests, I had an unequivocal sign of his presence, and of his love, I believe he revealed himself to me in an unusual manner, subtly and intelligently.


I was praying for my spiritual growth, I was looking for a book that could help me, the right book for me. I was looking in the Reminders section of a book website, I only found a few texts, I was not feeling very convinced. I postponed buying any book to the following day.


Last Thursday I had a strange dream, it was slightly disturbing to be honest, but in the end it provided me with a very significant clue. I dreamt I was sleeping in a double bed during a day trip with my colleague, a French teacher, and as if in a dream within a dream, I was telling her I had already dreamt of what she was telling me in that precise moment: Bossetti, the presumed murderer of Yara, was rumored to be living in the area around the city of Frosinone. While we were exchanging notes on the coincidence of thoughts that had just happened, I saw near our bed the silhouette of the murderer, and I woke up immediately, with my heart beating furiously. Through all this, there was one word that kept echoing in my mind, BOSSUET, which meant, I remembered later, Bossetti in French (just like the subject that my colleague was teaching).


The following morning, as soon as I woke up, I plugged that name into google, and I found out that the name belonged to a French theologian, born on 27th September (the same birth date as my second child), 1627. This was already quite a surprise to me ... but then, when I added the word “Angels” to his name, I was stunned … he is the author of a book titled “DISCOURSE ON GUARDIAN ANGELS”, I immediately looked it up and ordered it the same morning, even though I could not find it in the meager list of the reminders that I had consulted the previous day, since it’s a book that is still listed in a catalogue.


The book arrived a few days later, yesterday, with extraordinary speed, I immediately started reading it ….


But it does not end here … about a month earlier, I had this dream, I was trying to speak with my Guardian Angel, thinking of his possible name … the name ISHMAEL came to my mind, then I checked in the Bible, I saw who the name belonged to, but did not inquire further, thinking that it was a fantasy of mine.


In the first page of the book I purchased, in the introduction, written by an Italian author, within the first four lines I saw the name Ishmael, with whom Agar, the servant of Sara, was pregnant. The announcement was made through an Angel ….


I was extremely happy to find confirmation, but then, last night, before falling asleep, I made a note on the piece of paper of the dream I had had, to open a kind of journal with my Angel; as I was writing the words Bossetti and assassin I felt a strange restlessness, even in light of some steps in the book I had just purchased that came back to mind, written by the author of the introduction. These steps look up some considerations from Saint Bernard and they unsettle me when they talk not only of Angels that are faithful to God but also of demons and rebel Angels, and of the fact that the human being is always tempted by them, and at the same time he is sustained by God’s Angels.


That’s where I was afraid … it’s a fear that has always accompanied me, also when I was a young girl, perhaps from reading some stories or watching certain films.


I felt guilty towards my Guardian Angel because part of my happiness has become sadness … I refuse to believe that there are malevolent creatures, and I believe that God would like for everyone to save themselves, even those whom, for the moment, have chosen evil over good.


What do you think of this experience?


Now I have to go read the end of the introduction, which in reality is taking up most of the small book, before the Discourse from Bossuet …


A few days later Simona wrote back to me with the following words: Thank you Sara for your answer, and thank you to your Angel Samuel! I have finished the book, the second part, the one written by Bossuet, was very enlightening, the spiritual growth continues. The introduction, on the other hand, was a confirmation of the name Ishmael, which I felt like attributing to my sweet Angel …


A hug


Spiritual growth and revelations from a Guardian Angel is a testimonial from Simona




Spiritual growth and revelations from a Guardian Angel


Spiritual growth and revelations


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

