Interior sensitivity and knowing

Interior sensitivity and knowing how to read the signs of the Sky


Interior sensitivity and knowing : at least here, there is some serenity, a place where one can make comments without being afraid of being misunderstood, there are signs for those who have the gift of being able to read beyond the materialism that surrounds us, many signs! and not only for “a few people”, but every one of us is given the ability and possibility to read between the lines and notice them, it always depends on our state of mind, and on our relationship with our interior sensitivity.


One day, after a long suffering spell, a good friend of mine who is a priest, a special person who helped me spiritually, passed away. Together with my husband, we had been looking after him during the last few days of his life, he even said that he would give us a nice gift from the sky.


I forgot all about that comment … when we were returning from his funeral, the rain had been relentless, we saw a fantastic rainbow, the likes of which we had never seen before!!!! It’s true, normally rainbows appear right after a storm, but not everyone knew that to me the rainbow held a very special meaning, which tied me particularly to him …. the fantastic colors seemed to light up gradually, there was a light breeze, and my beloved blue butterfly sat on my shoulder …. the usual butterfly … the one I met in Medjugorje, and the one that I kept seeing every year near the grotto of Lourdes.


A coincidence? For many perhaps, but for me, it’s a caress


Apologies for the lengthy text, I just had to share this one with you …


A tight hug to you Sara Luce, and to everyone


Interior sensitivity and knowing how to read the signs of the Sky is a testimonial from Loriana




Interior sensitivity and knowing how to read the signs of the Sky


Interior sensitivity and knowing The words of the Angels

