Feeling the presence of Angels

Feeling the presence of Angels Love next to me


Feeling the presence of Angels : hello Sara, I read with enthusiasm and a heart full of joy everything that gets published on this space reserved to testimonials of every creature; I would like to tell you about my experience, ever since I was young I always believed in Angels, my Angel always helped me, especially when I had to overcome difficult times, he guided me in choosing the way that I had predisposed for myself long ago.


Every time I drifted away from him, he was always next to me, making me feel his presence through sweet signs, delicate, but present.


Looking back at my life, I realize that as of today, everything I have been able to do, was thanks to him.


Now he is close to me with a work project that is close to my heart and that I wish to fulfill; I feel him whenever I feel discouraged, whenever desperation has a grip on me, he is there to console me, I asked him to make me feel his presence more intensely, but I believe my journey has to wait, because now he has made me aware, through signs, of something I had overlooked, I believe he wants me to let go and place my trust in him, and trust that everything will happen gradually, in fact, he has helped me grow, he told me I have to love him because he loves me unconditionally, and the thought that such an important presence can love you from the heart has created in me a pure and unbreakable link with him.


I pray all the time, every day, so that my desire can come true, as of today there are only tears and pain, and yet he is there, telling me to stay calm!


I would love to know his name … to be able to call him, and feel him even closer next to me …


Thank you from my heart


Feeling the presence of Angels Love next to me is a testimonial from Olivia




Feeling the presence of Angels Love next to me


Feeling the presence of Angels


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

