Death is not the end of existence proof

Death is not the end of existence proof of life after death


Death is not the end of existence proof : there are many experiences that teach us that we need to open our mind beyond our terrestrial dimension, and to be a testimony to those who still do not believe, those who believe that death is the end of existence, and that after that there is nothing; today I bring you the testimonials from Marina.


Dearest Sara Luce, my name is Marina, as I had already informed you, here I am to tell you about my experiences, there are two, but they are so similar that I will group them together.


I believe very much in the help from the Angels, ever since I was a small child, I always drew a lot of comfort from it. My first experience goes back to 1996: my mother had been suffering for more than 20 years from a serious heart condition, frequent visits to the hospital, (I even had to leave my job to be able to be with her, since she was alone, my father passed away from a heart attack in 1968). Lately, she had also started to suffer from a serious form of diabetes, we needed to admit her to hospital. During the day I would never leave her bedside, 12-13 hours in the hospital, but at night I had a private nurse help me. My husband and friends would bring me lunch in the hospital, I would not move from my mother’s bedside because at times she would still be conscious. The last evening, it was as if I could feel it, I did not want to leave her at all, however, the doctor insisted I go home, and promised me I would see her the following morning, so I went home after 22:00.


At about one in the morning, I received the phone call from the hospital, I ran desperately to the hospital, but by the time we arrived, mum had flown away! I felt desperate, not only for the departure, but also because I was not there with her for her last breath: I began to feel guilty, I had a sense of remorse, I was really ill.


A few days after the funeral, one night, (I was sleeping few hours and not well at all), in the early hours of the morning, I dreamt that I had to call mum on the phone, however, while I was dialing her number, the phone in my dream rang, in shock I picked up the receiver, and I clearly heard my mother’s phone saying “Marina don’t worry, I feel wonderful, I have never felt better!!”


I woke up crying, and yet with a feeling of peace in my heart!! I had prayed my Angel so much, I am sure He helped with this, to reassure me, and to remove my sense of guilt!!


Four years later, in 2000, my husband was admitted urgently to the hospital with a case of pleurisy, it was on the day of our 26th wedding anniversary. Unfortunately we discovered, following the numerous analysis, that he had a tumor in his left lung, and it was so advanced that it was inoperable, the diagnosis was 7 months left to live!!


The world collapsed on me, he knew everything, he faced the chemotherapy with a lot of courage and optimism, so much so that in July the tumor had actually shrunk, the chemo was working, even if the collateral effect were devastating! He kept going with a lot of courage and hope! However, following further exams, we discovered that the metastasis had now reached his bones!!! He was admitted, we tried alternative medicine, we tried whatever we could think of, however, toward mid-September, came his last admission to hospital.


He could no longer walk, he was suffering atrociously, morphine, he always tried not to be seen feeling sad, he was worried about me! Needless to say, I never left the hospital, despite a lot of help coming from my friends.


During the first week in October (7 months later), on a Sunday morning, he passed away, he was perfectly lucid, but this time I was there, I was able to accompany him, while he was holding my hand!


Then, I collapsed, I felt desperation and even anger, why would such a good person need to suffer so much!!! I was even angry with my Angel for leaving me alone, it was not fair!!


A few days after the funeral, again in the morning, I was so tired from crying, I entered into a state of half-sleep, I dreamt my husband, sick, he was at home, he told me to call the ambulance because he was not well. But while I was dialing the number, I saw him arriving suddenly, well dressed, with a jacket and tie, handsome, smiling, and he was telling me “Marina, don’t worry, now I am well, I have never felt better, now I have to go, but don’t worry!!!”


Obviously I woke up crying, his voice was still ringing in my ears, I remembered my mother!!! I told the events to a Nun, an old teacher of mie, and She told me that God felt mercy for all the pain I endured, and, through the Angels, He wanted to reassure me that my loved ones now were doing very well!!


Sara, perhaps this story is a little lengthy, but I was so happy to tell you about my beautiful experiences, I will let you decide whether to publish them or not! I am already happy to have told you in the first place!


A big hug to you! I love you!!


Death is not the end of existence proof of life after death are testimonials from Marina



Death is not the end of existence proof of life after death


Death is not the end of existence proof The words of the Angels

