Messages from the other side words for me

Messages from the other side words for me a visit for me


Messages from the other side : dearest Sara, I want to tell you about my experience, which goes back five years ago, I was working in the food industry, my work place ran on three shifts a day, that night I had a truly “heavy” work shift, I was tired, but above all I was desperate, my son was ill: he had a myopathy that seemed to degenerate into a muscular dystrophy, and his wife (since she was healthy – these are the words she used) decided it would be a good idea to leave him!


Understandably, in addition to his condition, he ended up falling into a very strong depression … I will let you imagine how I felt … at 6, when my shift ended, a lady came to take over my position, she asked me to stay with her just for a few minutes, and she said: “Don’t ask me anything, but last night a lady came to visit me … she described this woman in detail to me … she did not say who she was, her mouth was closed … but she knew you would know who I am talking about … without doubt she was my paternal grandmother … she wants me to hug you really tight, she wants me to keep my mouth on your cheek for a few minutes, she wants to feel your warmth, and she wants you to feel her embrace … in addition, she asked me to tell you that she is sad you had to witness something that really hurt you, but that now you have to leave it behind you … you have to be serene, and remember that she will always be next to you with all of her love … she is well, she is next to him … and she said that she saw this lady next to a smiling gentleman with salt and pepper hair … that was my grandfather, who died a long time ago, whom I saw when I was 14 years old, after he had been run over by a car, when they lifted the sheet that was covering his body … with smiling eyes he told me to repeat to you that she will always be near you, and that you have to stay strong like you have always been … she is so proud of you!!” … now you can go and rest …. thank you for allowing me to deliver my message to you!!!


You can imagine, Sara Luce, how I felt, I was like a zombie for the rest of my journey home, I cried, but I cried in a way I had not cried before ... .and unstoppable crying that actually made me feel better … I was better … it was liberating!


It’s nice to know that she loved me so much, and that she still loves me so much from Up There, and that she is always close!


A hug to you Sara


Messages from the other side words for me a visit for me is a testimonial from Giulietta




Messages from the other side words for me a visit for me


Messages from the other side The words of the Angels

