Children see the Spirit of the other side

Children see the Spirit of the other side experiences


Children see the Spirit of the other side : well, yes, in their simplicity, children get us closer to our Faith, and to the reality of the other side; they see the Spirit, they see our beloved ones who departed smiling upon them, or they talk to them, we only see children looking into the distance, staring at something, involved in an exchange that we can not perceive but they can, and so these repeated behaviors make us wonder, we ask ourselves questions, hope lights up again, with a light that can bring peace into our hearts; our beloved ones never leave us, their Love is always with us, and children allow us to understand that; let’s listen to Antonella’s experience.


Hello Sara, I found your website and began reading it only a few days ago. It’s almost three months since my mother departed, I have not been living since then, I am demotivated with my life, I struggle through every day, as if I was carrying hundreds of pounds on my back.


She is everything to me, I use the present tense because I prefer it this way, my father died when I was 2, and so I only lived with her.


First of all I would like to tell you that, for years now, every now and then, I find myself seeing objects and shapes of hearts (for example stains on the ground, bread crumbs, etc) and my friends make fun of me, telling me that this happens to me because I am too romantic! One day, however, I heard on TV that those are signs from loved one who are no longer here (in my case, it could be from my father!) I don’t know whether to believe it or not! I never had a strong faith, and now, since three months back, I lost it completely. You know, I prayed a lot in the last few days before she died, she was in the ICU unit, but to no avail ….)


But now, I would like to tell you about another peculiar situation: since last September I am the mother of a little boy, he was born prematurely, but now he is well. My mother was able to enjoy him for about one month (and this is part of my anger and anguish). My boy (he is now 7 months old), ever since my mother is no longer with us, raises his eyes whenever I take him to the bathroom to change him, or he looks at a specific point on the ceiling where there is nothing (the light bulb is nowhere near there) and stares at it …


Sometimes even when I am playing with him he will suddenly do the same: stares at a point in the ceiling, stares as if spellbound, sometimes smiles, and sometimes he almost moves his lips as if to say something (even though he does not speak yet)


I ask myself, or rather, I really hope, if it could be my mother (since she used to make him play in the bathroom while he was being changed!) Like I already confessed to you, I don’t believe on the concept of the other side, probably in nothing and nobody (due to the grave injustice that was done to my mother) and yet, the behavior that my son displays, his spellbound looks, this makes me curious, what can you tell me? Perhaps, in my desperation, this is only a strong desire on my part that my mother could always be next to us?


Thank you, I hope I was clear, since I wrote this very quickly.


Children see the Spirit of the other side is a testimonial from Antonella




Children see the Spirit of the other side


Children see the Spirit The words of the Angels

