Saint Rita my experience with Saint Rita

Saint Rita my experience with Saint Rita testimonials


Saint Rita my experience with Saint Rita : hello Sara, let me tell you about my experience with Saint Rita, I started falling in love with this sweetest Saint a few years back, a woman, a wife, a wonderful mother, as I read about her life, I was profoundly touched by her deep faith and her immense love for Jesus, I prayed fervently, my desire to meet with her grew by the day, even though my work schedule always prevented me from doing it.


When I was ill, I would often seek refuge in a church … though I could not find s statue of this sweetest Saint, she listened to me, and one day, together with a very close friend of mine who would often accompany me to church, as soon as I entered a Church I immediately noticed a statue of Saint Rita … my friend and I looked at each other, and smiled …. in that moment we made a pact … if we bumped into two more statues of Saint Rita, we would take a trip to Cascia together.


You will not believe it, but since that day, we bumped into three more statues, all by coincidence … I believe that Saint Rita would like us to go to Cascia … and I received the umpteenth proof of it when, on a bus, heading to see Father Pio, there was talk of the next pilgrimage this year going to Cascia ….


The bus made a stop at Alberobello … there is the Church Of Saint Anthony there …. I immediately went in, and my eyes lit up … another statue of Saint Rita … my heart filled with joy … I believe Saint Rita wanted to tell me …  I am waiting for you …. and I am already getting organized for my trip there ….


Thank you Sara … for everything you do … for the possibilities you give us … a tight hug from me


Saint Rita my experience with Saint Rita is a testimonial from Antonella




Saint Rita my experience with Saint Rita The words of the Angels

