A gesture of Love a thought of Love for others

A gesture of Love a thought of Love for others experiences


A gesture of Love, a thought of Love for others, Love shines from us toward the Sky, and sometimes it generates an answer of Love so great, so unexpected, as to leave us in wonder; let’s listen to Paola’s testimonial.


Hello Sara, today I want to tell you something unusual that happened to me.


A few nights ago, in my dream I saw the image of a nun, she was holding a little lamb, and had another lamb at her feet …. the nun’s cloak was antique, meaning that her face was completely framed by white material, and above it she had a black veil.


The following morning this image was still very vivid in my mind, and so I decided to research it on the internet … I wrote nun and lamb, I did not find anything ... then I asked myself if perhaps she was a Saint, since the image in my dream evoked a sacred image … and so I typed Saint with lamb, and obviously the very first images that came up were those of Saint Agnes, the young martyr under the Diocletian empire, but the one I saw was a nun, not a Saint … and so I kept on with my image research .. and there it was … a picture of a nun with a lamb next to her … her name is Saint Agnes Segni from Montepulciano … she was a Dominican nun, who lived around the 1300’s, she was already a Saint while alive, and even more miraculous after her death.


The cloak matched, and so did the lamb (I believe it was next to the Saints named Agnese not only for the reference to “agnus” – lamb – but also for the reference to Jesus).


You see, Sara, last week I managed to convince my 88 year old mother to go on a holiday together with me and my young daughter … initially I was thinking of the seaside, but the idea that perhaps the heat could be harmful to her lead me to choose a place in the mountains, and I remembered that ages before then there was a young woman who lived with her parents, in a little town next to mount Amiate … and so …. Montepulciano, where Saint Agnes is worshipped, is a few minutes from there … I think I am going to visit her … what do you think?


This is an unusual event for me … I did not even know about the existence of this Saint …. but maybe she knows me … and perhaps she feels a little sorry for me … to be honest I am always in pain, you already know about it, and it does not seem to go away …


An embrace to you, dear Sara


A gesture of Love a thought of Love for others is the testimonial from Paola


A gesture of Love a thought of Love for others


A gesture of Love a thought of Love


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

