The Madonna of Bellacava saved my child

The Madonna of Bellacava saved my child experiences


The Madonna of Bellacava saved my child : I strongly believe in something great and beautiful, that lives among us, next to us; actually I reached my awareness a few months ago, I will add that I have three children, and thanks to them I discovered aspects of me that I didn’t realize existed.


In May last year my second born, he was almost three years old, accidentally fell from the balcony in our house. He fell almost six meters, he “landed” on concrete, and yet he escaped without any injury. Just revisiting that moment still brings back the fear and anguish from those days.


The siren of the ambulance, my child on the stretcher of the ambulance, his scared and confused face, all the doctors taking x rays and all tests that they deemed necessary.


Everything came back negative, the child truly was healthy, everything was in order, a part from the one aspect: the fear and worry during the entire day, I don’t have words to describe the tumultuous emotions that were running inside me.


I was outside the corridor, my husband was with my child in the x-ray room, during one of the many tests that day. I started to pray to the Madonna. I closed my eyes, I had her image in front on me, it was the Madonna from Bellacava, who is very close to me because she is the protector of the my father’s hometown, in addition to my prayers I remember telling her: “I have other children, I should not even have them, but if I will ever have a little girl, I will call her Mary”.


After four days, my boy was discharged from the hospital, we all went back home, and we slowly returned to our normal everyday life.


After two months I started to have some gynecological issues, I blamed the scare from my child’s fall, but after a few days I had to go to the doctor to have myself checked. Among other things, the doctor suggested a pregnancy test, to eliminate any possible doubt, and to then proceed with any eventual treatments.


The test came back positive, my husband’s shock, as well as mine, was great. Neither of us would have ever guessed it, our explanation was immediately to do with Marco’s fall. (my second born’s name)


The pregnancy proceeded well, and like all mothers, I started to look at baby items every time I walk into a store, or in shop windows.


Every time I thought of the creature growing within me, however, I also remembered my prayers back in the hospital, and the promise I had made that I would call the baby Maria, if it was going to be a girl.


At the end of the fourth month, my creature was moving inside me, it was a wonderful sensation; even though it was my third pregnancy, the magic of those moments was still present.


One afternoon, as I was grocery shopping, I walked through the baby isle, and I asked my creature in my belly: “Let me know if you are a boy or a girl”, I took in my hand a blue baby one-piece, I felt nothing, then I picked up a pink one, and the baby started to kick in my belly. It was a girl, I felt my heart swell with joy.


One more thing marked this pregnancy, it was my dreams. I started to make contact in my dreams with many of my dear departed ones, in particular with my maternal grandmother, who had already “greeted” me back in 1974. She often came to visit, especially during times of doubts or fear, she regularly would come at night to console me, just like when I was a child. My grandmother’s name was Caterina, and as the due date came closer, I thought of adding her name too, and call my little girl Maria Caterina.


On the fifth of March of this year, Maria Caterina was born. The delivery went well, and the girl is healthy.


The coincidences and synchronicities in this “piece of my life” are actually many more, I only mentioned the most noteworthy ones, but what I would like to be able to say to the whole world is to not let yourselves slide down into the darkness. We have a world of light all around us, it’s just that nobody taught us to look at it, and we are afraid of it.


I too have always had fear of physical pain, and even to date I am afraid of not being ready to pass another experience as strong as the last one, however, this experience brought us so much love, I found Light all around me, as well as Love. I know I am not alone, I know I have Angels around us, however, when I let my brain guide my body, the Light  around me fades away, it becomes weaker: when it’s my heart guiding me, the Light surrounds me, and I know I am not alone.


I would like for everyone to learn to open up their hearts, and let the Light enter our real Me, inside each one of us there are emotions and truths.


I thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you my story.


The Madonna of Bellacava saved my child is the testimonial from Lucia




The Madonna of Bellacava saved my child is featured on


Madonna of Bellacava saved my child The words of the Angels

