Finding white feathers meaning

Finding white feathers meaning and symbolism


Finding white feathers meaning : dear Sara Luce, I am not very good at expressing my experience in writing, and therefore at sharing testimonials, I could tell you that often, with me in front of it, I see some small white feathers, sometimes even darker at the edges, I feel that it is my Guardian Angel supporting me, giving me strength, and guiding me to face certain situations.


The first time I saw a feather, I was going through a moment of strong temptation, and in a few days I was going to go to a spiritual retreat; in fact, I did go, but those people were exalted people, fanatics, I also knew, however, that I was not alone, and that experience certainly confirmed that we do not need to look at men, but at God, by way of Jesus.


And from that moment on, my journey with white feathers started.


Finding white feathers meaning and symbolism are testimonials from Rossana




Finding white feathers meaning and symbolism


Finding white feathers meaning The words of the Angels

