My heart speaks to the Angels

My heart speaks to the Angels experiences


My heart speaks to the Angels : hello Sara and hello everybody, a year and a half ago my father left us; needless to mention I felt a lot of pain, and especially today I continue to feel, however I try to be strong for my little children, for my husband, and above all for my mother, who was left entirely by herself in a house larger than 200 square meters, nowadays completely deserted.


To my mother I have become the one point of reference, what she does not know, is that I also would love to have a point of reference … I understand, that during moments of great sadness, there are not many people around us to help us … perhaps because maybe they feel powerless, perhaps because they do not know the best way to do it … basically, I have to be next to my mother and my sister (she is also not very mentally stable).


One day, I was really worn out, tired, and I asked my Guardian Angel with all my heart to help me, to be next to my mother …. and especially help HER, my mother, who had fallen into a deep depression …. and in a moment I started to sing the song “Angel take care of her ...” from Francesco Renga … HER (meaning my mother, but also meaning my SOUL) … meaning please help a mother and my Soul, which in this very moment is a little lonely and disheartened.


I sought out the text of the song … and the video … I got Goosebumps … it’s exactly what I would have wanted to ask … moreover the video refers to Angels, and ends with the imagined view of an old man, who looks terribly like my own father.


Here are the lyrics


Deep into the night

Without moon

And a silence that consumes me

Time goes by quickly

And everything leaves ….

Mercy of events and age

But this fear you have never leaves


Angel, take care of her

She can not see on the other side of what gives  And the ingenuity is from her ….

Who is a part of me

What is left

Of the pain

And of prayers, if God does not wish to?

Words thrown at the wind

You notice in a moment

We are alone … is this our reality?

And a fear that …. never stops


Angel, take care of her

She can not see beyond what gives And all the pain That screams from the world Becomes a noise That digs, deep ….

In the silence of a tear

She can not see beyond what gives And the ingenuity is part of her …

Who is part of me.


A dear goodbye


My heart speaks to the Angels was told us by Agata




My heart speaks to the Angels testimonials


My heart speaks to the Angels The words of the Angels

