Jesus speaks to us and listens to us

Jesus speaks to us and listens to us experiences


Jesus speaks to us and listens to us : a warm greeting to you Sara and to all of you; it happens to everyone in life to have felt some pain caused by people who were supposed to love us, but instead, due to selfish reasons or jealousy, decided not to do it, this pain that we have been trying with all of our strength to understand, to forget, to forgive, sometimes turns into a hurricane if those memories are recalled back again to our mind because those very same people continue relentlessly to hurt our feelings, and this hurricane surrounds us into a vortex of desperation and anger, and in cases like this only the face of Jesus can help you find the way to peace.


image the face of Jesus


Yes, it’s really like this, whenever you feel down, when you can’t manage to understand the reasons for so much evil, so much selfishness, so much jealousy, so much avarice, so much supremacy, so many falsehoods and lies … turn your look to Jesus, speak to him looking at him in the eyes, confide in Him and all your worries, your fears, all those situations that do not make you happy, and I assure you that, very quickly, He will return the peace and serenity into your heart.


Perhaps those situations will resolve themselves over time, or maybe not, because there is such a thing as free will, and our God gives us freedom to err, but what will change will be our approach with our present, which nobody can ever have the power to annihilate or diminish, what will change will be the strength of the Love inside our heart, that will not allow us to live with hope, with joy, with sincerity, in goodness.


It warms my heart that our good God, despite the rough aspects of our society, will continue to love us always, with the same intensity, and his forgiveness will be there for each one of us.


Having had this picture of Jesus for me was a blessing from the Sky, I hope it may be of help to all of You too.


You know Sara, you know my friends from this website, my Soul for a long time had been searching for the face of Jesus, and often I would ask him, in my prayers, to be able to see his real face.


I had asked him for this gift for Christmas, and I thought that I might be able to see it in one of my usual visions, instead, just before Christmas, what good timing, as I was browsing on the internet, I found that the same face of Jesus also appeared to three people of different nationalities, and they did not know each other.


My heart was so full of joy, because Jesus wanted to give me this wonderful gift.


The certainty that it was really his face is something I found myself, speaking to him, and as I already told you …. regaining joy and peace ...


With affection.


Jesus speaks to us and listens to us is told us by Vivian




Jesus speaks to us and listens to us


Jesus speaks to us The words of the Angels

