Guardian Angel reflected on the mirror

Guardian Angel reflected on the mirror experiences


Guardian Angel reflected on the mirror : hello Sara, my name is Rosanna, I will confess I am very anxious, and I can’t think of what to ask you; in my mind I have so many thoughts and fears; there is one thing I have always been sure of, that I have never felt alone, I have always had the mental perception that I can speak to someone already inside me!


Despite the many doubts … rationality sometimes can be a horrible beast … I have always seen Jesus as a real Father, since mine was not very present!!


I shall tell you what happened to me one night, following a nightmare I had:


As I opened my eyes, I saw in a corner of the room, reflected in the mirror, a shape of an Angel, made of live light … like an energy … I was no longer afraid ….


It was all over in a few seconds … could I have imagined it? in that period I had started with a spiritual journey, and I was reading a book on Angels; I believe I did not imagine … that shape was LIVE light, I can’t explain it to you ….


I cant’ list them all … but I have to say that sometimes I resemble the incredulous Saint Thomas, and I am ashamed of it, and yet, if I reflect on it, I have had so many signs over the course of my life!!!


What is certain is that often, when I ask, my Guardian Angel gives.


Thank you for having dedicated a little of your time also for me … I just had to write to you, perhaps there is a reason for it … or … is it surely one of those coincidences?!!!


A hug


Guardian Angel reflected on the mirror was shared with us by Rosanna




Guardian Angel reflected on the mirror experiences


Guardian Angel reflected on the mirror The words of the Angels

