I prayed to Saint Joseph Moscati

I prayed to Saint Joseph Moscati to heal me testimonials


I prayed to Saint Joseph Moscati : I want to communicate an event; my husband fought against a terrible tumor in his brain (metastasis started from lung cancer); during this last month he was semi-paralyzed from the waist down, barely conscious, and then came the epileptic crises, and then a horrible death; on the 27th July 2016 I went to the New Jesus church in Naples, and I was praying to Saint Joseph Moscati, to help him heal; when I asked on what day they would be able to celebrate a mass for a sick person, Claudio, they told me that the first available day was going to be on the 10th, at 9 am.


My love flew to the sky on the 10th, at 08:20 am.


It’s true, Claudio did not get better, but I am not desperate, I have inside the infinite love that united us in our most beautiful days and also days of sickness. I would wake up during the night to check if I had to change him or not, and every time he kissed me on the neck, that love so intense is still present in me now, and it lets me face my days with serenity.


Of course, sometimes I do cry, but what I feel inside is so immense that he fills me completely and there is no room for sadness. Perhaps this was the gift from Saint Joseph Moscati.


I prayed to Saint Joseph Moscati to heal me testimonials is Flavia’s story




I prayed to Saint Joseph Moscati to heal me testimonials


I prayed to Saint Joseph Moscati


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

