The presence of Angels

The presence of Angels signs in my life


The presence of Angels : dear Sara Luce, I have had many, countless signs of the presence of Angels in my life, hearts, and much more; I am in Rome with my daughter who needs to take some tests, we have bounced from one doctor to another for the last couple of months, among many worries, it’s not easy, but we know we are not alone.


As we drive into Rome we seem to take the wrong turn, and my husband begins to lose his patience, but, as always, I continue to pray my Angels, who don’t make me wait too much to respond … and here come the first words on a bus, and on advertising signs “Angelino’s place”, “Angel and sons” .. and then 444, which for me is an important number because it confirms that Angels are around us.


Later on we run, looking for the right train to reach the Columbus center and I am worried we will get there late … I turn around, and on a wall there is an advertising board “Saint Michael Celebration Day” … well, what can I say, these are only the latest signs delivered by our Angels after a long day, extremely rich with their presence.


The presence of Angels signs in my life is Giusy’s testimonial




The presence of Angels signs in my life


The presence of Angels The words of the Angels

