Phone call after death

Phone call after death experiences


Phone call after death : thank you from the heart Sara Luce, it’s Nico, the testimonial I read (Calls From The Other Side and Scents After Death) is wonderful, and it’s very similar to what our family experienced with my uncle Michele; you must know that uncle Michele would always call my mother, his niece; after he left his physical body, when he passed away, in one of her dreams the phone rang, she answered it, and she heard uncle Michele tell her not to worry, and that where he was now was great, he just could not physically speak with the world of the incarnated.


Then, to make her understand that the phone call was real, even though he had communicated with her through a dream, the phone really rang, and my mother woke up startled, she ran to answer the phone call from my uncle (I too heard the phone ringing that morning), clearly my mother did not hear any voice on the phone, just like uncle Michele told her, he can not physically communicate with those still on earth)


An affectionate embrace of light, my dear resplendent soul.


Phone call after death experiences is Nicola’s story




Phone call after death experiences


Phone call after death The words of the Angels

