Hearts and feathers from my little Angel

Hearts and feathers from my little Angel experiences


Hearts and feathers from my little Angel : my Angel never leaves me alone, everything started around three years ago, it was a very hard period of my life, my daughter had serious health issues, she had lost a lot of weight due to various food allergies and let’s not talk about my fiancée, and so, watching my daughter suffer was a cause of a lot of anguish for me.


Then, however, I started to see hearts and feathers everywhere, and from that moment on I started to understand that I was not alone with my worries and fears, that there was someone near me, my little Angel.


Every day, without fail, he shows himself to me by leaving hearts and feathers, I know he is with me, and every time it’s a real joy for me.




Hearts and feathers from my little Angel experiences is Naty’s testimonials




Hearts and feathers from my little Angel experiences


Hearts and feathers from my little Angel


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

